
unusual facts about Swastika

Gary Svee

Swastikas were painted on a Native American family's home, Ku Klux Klan flyers were openly distributed, the Billings Jewish cemetery was descrated and a brick was hurled through the window of a Jewish family whose six year old son put the family's Menorah in it for Hanukkah.

Alonei Abba

In 1933 Germans Gentiles living in Palestine appealed unsuccessfully to Paul von Hindenburg and the Foreign Office not to use Swastika symbols for German institutions.


In addition to the criticism that had already been raised about The Deputy for its portrayal of the role of the Catholic Church during the Holocaust, the film created controversy in Catholic circles by its poster (created by controversial Italian photographer Oliviero Toscani) representing a mix of a Christian cross and a swastika.

Anne E. DeChant

Examples include Girls and Airplanes (gender equality), Green Hand (supporting troops post-war), Swastika (Holocaust denial), 25 (imbalance in economic status), and Second Class Citizen (prejudice and intolerance toward the gay community).

Anti-Partisan Guerrilla Warfare Badge

The sword's handle has a sun wheel swastika, with the blade plunged into the "Hydra", whose five heads represent the partisans.

Aviator badge

It depicts a silver eagle (Silberner Adler) perched atop a swastika (Hakenkreuz), wings open in a landing pose, and surrounded by a wreath with laurel (Lorbeer) and oak (Eichenlaub) branches on the left and right, respectively.

Bethlehem of Galilee

In 1933, Templer functionaries appealed to Paul von Hindenburg and the Foreign Office not to use swastika symbols for German institutions in Palestine and voiced opposition to the boycott of German Jewish shops.

Blair McCreadie

During an October 2007 campaign stop in commemorating a World War 2 Nazi battleship captain in Ajax, PC leader John Tory pledged to build a 100 foot monument to Nazi War Dead from the second world war in the "shape of a swastika."

Blanche River

and flow west under Ontario Highway 11, turns south, heads through Kenogami Lake, then back under Ontario Highway 11 at the settlement of Kenogami Lake, flows under the Ontario Northland Railway (ONR) mainline and past Kenogami Lake Station, enters the municipality of Kirkland Lake and reaches the community of Swastika.

Boixos Nois

In 1985 after the Heysel disaster, where 39 people died due to hooligan riots and a collapsing wall, the Boixos Nois raised a banner at the Camp Nou South-end with the text "¡Gracias Liverpool!" (Thanks Liverpool!) and replaced the traditional Catalan flag, the Senyera, with a swastika.

Comet Encke

In their 1982 book Cosmic Serpent (page 155) Victor Clube and Bill Napier reproduce an ancient Chinese catalogue of cometary shapes from the Mawangdui Silk Texts, which includes a swastika-shaped comet, and suggest that some of the comet drawings were related to the breakup of the progenitor of Encke and the Taurid meteoroid stream.

Cross and circle game

Cross and circle boards may suggest a variety of mystical, symbolic, or esoteric designs such as mandalas; sun and earth symbols; swastikas; or Celtic, Coptic, and Greek crosses.


During the German invasion in 1941, a memorable event occurred: on April 27, as the German Army was entering Athens, the Germans ascended to the Acropolis of Athens and ordered the young Evzone who was guarding the flag post, Konstantinos Koukidis, to haul the Greek flag down and replace it with the swastika flag.

Federal Department for Media Harmful to Young Persons

A well-known example of a confiscated work is Wolfenstein 3D, which was confiscated due to the use of Nazi symbols such as swastikas.

Forest swastika

In September 2006 The New York Times reported on another forest swastika in Eki Naryn, Kyrgyzstan, on the edge of the Tian Shan Mountains.

Hans Landa

Ultimately, Landa is punished for his actions by Lt. Aldo Raine, who carves a swastika into his forehead with a Bowie knife, ironically marking the apolitical careerist as a Nazi for life.

Laguna Diversion Dam

They were placed there prior to Adolf Hitler's effectively having altered the popular meaning of the swastika within Western societies.

Lee Wagstaff

Lee Wagstaff (born October 27, 1969, London) is an English artist who spent four and half years acquiring all-over tattoos with designs based on cross-cultural geometrical symbols (circles, squares, swastikas, stars, etc.) drawing on religious influences from his Roman Catholic upbringing and Indian family members.

Massacre at Central High

During his first day at Central High, David sees the three bullies order Spoony (Robert Carradine), a semi-skinhead and radical, to wash off a swastika he painted on his locker.


The reason for this was the cover of their album Thunderforge (depicts a pagan god striking an anvil, bearing a pendant resembling depictions of Nazi "ancient Aryans"), as well as the swastika, or sun cross, incorporated in Skyforger's logo.

Snoldelev Stone

The Snoldelev Stone, which is 1.25 meters in height, is decorated with a design of three drinking horns interlocking as incomplete Borromean rings (similar to the Diane de Poitiers three crescents emblem), and a swastika.

Steven Parrino

Parrino used intentionally provocative subjects like abstract swastikas, rebel flags, and silhouettes of Russ Meyer starlets, Elvis Presley as rendered by Andy Warhol, the Hells Angels, Johnny Cash, and other works by Andy Warhol.

Swastika Laundry

The Swastika Laundry was a laundry founded in 1912, located on Shelbourne Road, Ballsbridge, a district of Dublin, Ireland.

Following the closure of the laundry, at least until the early 1987 the laundry chimney was emblazoned with a large white swastika that could be seen from many places in the surrounding area including the Merrion Road, a main road south from Dublin.

The War Against the West

In citations from Hitler, Goebbels, and others, Kolnai sought to expose what he saw as "the obsessive German national socialist effort to replace Christianity with a crude and barbaric form of pagan religion, to twist the cross of Christ into a swastika."

Time Killers

With this in mind, it is possible his backstory was somewhat inspired from Charles Manson, who had carved a swastika into his forehead with a knife.


Also note that the negative space in between the swirls of a four-fold tomoe, forms the shape of a stylized swastika, which is fairly prominent in many Indian religions such as Hinduism and Jainism.

Two Down and One to Go

Opening with a fasces being splintered over Italy, and a swastika being exploded over Germany, the film cuts to an Arthur Szyk caricature of Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler and Hideki Tōjō, an X being superimposed on the respective dictators, then turning to Tojo.

see also