
unusual facts about Goebbels

Adolf Hitler's possible monorchism

It can now be affirmed that the British Tommies were right all along in the first line of their version of the Colonel Bogey March, they were although manifestly mistaken in the last—that is to say, unless Goebbels' six children were the progeny of adoption, paternal surrogacy or some hitherto unconsidered, presumably unpalatable "Gott mit uns" form of divine intervention.

Andrea Molino

As well as collaborating with musicians like Heiner Goebbels, David Moss, Koichi Makigami, and Phil Minton, his own projects have included VOICES, performed in October 2000 at the RomaEuropa Festival featuring previously unseen video material by Godfrey Reggio, and Drops On A Hot Stone, in collaboration with UN Volunteers, premiered in December 2001 at the Capitol in Rome after a preview in Berlin.

Elena Rzhevskaya

The corpses of Goebbels and his wife Magda were found and identified, and a subsequent report about it was openly publicized.

Fritz Klimsch

According to a diary entry by Goebbels, Klimsch was the most mature of our sculptors. A genius. In September 1944 Klimsch was named in the highest rank of artists of the Third Reich, in the Gottbegnadeten list.

Haim Arlosoroff

One involves the Nazi leader Joseph Goebbels: During the first world war, Magda Behrend, who later became the wife of Joseph Goebbels, met and became close friends with Lisa Arlosoroff, Haim Arlosoroff's sister.

Horst Caspar

In 1943 Caspar was engaged by the director Veit Harlan to play the young August Neidhardt von Gneisenau, who in 1807 defended the Prussian fortress town of Kolberg against the French during the Napoleonic Wars, in Kolberg, an epic film produced on the orders of Goebbels.

Joachim Gottschalk

When Gottschalk refused, Goebbels ordered Gottschalk's wife and child transported to the Theresienstadt concentration camp.

Jud Süß

Jew Suss: Rise and Fall, 2010 German film which depicts events behind 1940 production, with actors portraying Harlan, Marian, Goebbels, etc

Karl Hanke

In 1938, Magda appeared ready to abandon her marriage when Goebbels had a liaison with a young Czech actress - Lída Baarová.

Peter Paul Brauer

Frustrated at the delay, Goebbels removed him in favor of Veit Harlan.

Philippe Henriot

Seeking to shape the perceptions of the French government and German occupation, and to destroy popular support for the Résistance, Henriot was given the nickname of the "French Goebbels".

Plane Daffy

Outraged, Hitler declares "Dot iss no military zecret!" Goebbels and Göring concur -- "Ja. Efferybody knows dot!"—then shoot themselves in the heads after receiving Hitler's angry glare.

Sylvester Groth

Groth portrayed Goebbels in the 2007 German film Mein Führer – Die wirklich wahrste Wahrheit über Adolf Hitler, directed by Dani Levy.

The War Against the West

In citations from Hitler, Goebbels, and others, Kolnai sought to expose what he saw as "the obsessive German national socialist effort to replace Christianity with a crude and barbaric form of pagan religion, to twist the cross of Christ into a swastika."

Thomas Ballantyne Martin

While a Member of Parliament, Martin visited Germany where he met leading Nazis Hitler, Goering and Goebbels; he was invited to a Nuremberg rally, but also visited Dachau.

Viktor de Kowa

The film idealized the education of the German youth in National Political Institutes of Education, which earned de Kowa an entry on the Gottbegnadeten list to evade his Wehrmacht conscription, though Minister Goebbels was disillusioned with his directing.

see also