
2 unusual facts about Swedish name

Swedish name

In the example of the Retzius surname was from the lake Ressen, near to the Odensvi parish vicarage in Västervik.

The Swedish family Benzelius was derived from Bentseby (Bentse village) in Luleå the birthplace of Ericus Henrici Benzelius Bothniensis who was the first to adopt the family name.

see also

10 Ways to End the World

The series is produced by Sveriges Utbildningsradio (UR) and was aired on Kunskapskanalen (in English: The Knowledge Channel) in December 2010 under the Swedish name Mänsklighetens sista dagar (Last days of Man) and on National Geographic and Arte in 2012.

Alto guitar

Eleven-string alto guitar, also called the altgitarr, the Swedish name given to it by its Swedish inventor.

County councils of Sweden

The Swedish name of these regional municipalities, Landsting, is the same as was used by the supreme tings of the historical provinces of Sweden.


:Not to be confused with Helsingfors, the Swedish name for Helsinki

Luleå Theatre Academy

Luleå Theatre Academy (original Swedish name: Teaterhögskolan i Luleå) is a Swedish drama school in Luleå and part of the Luleå University of Technology.


Maunu is also the Finnish form of the Swedish name Magnus.

Sandvikens IF

Stålmännen has a double meaning, as it also is the plural form of Stålmannen, the Swedish name for Superman.