
2 unusual facts about Syntagma


So Theodore Balsamon (twelfth century): "It is forbidden by the canons that there should be bishops in small towns and villages, and because of this they ordain for these priests who are protopopes and chorepiscopi" (Syntagma, III, 142).

Theodore Balsamon

Balsamon also compiled a collection of ecclesiastical constitutions (Syntagma) and wrote other works, many of which concern the ongoing debate between the Eastern and Western Churches following the schism of 1054.

1658 in literature

Pierre Gassendi - Syntagma philosophicum (published posthumously)

Jørgen Dybvad

In particular, the Dane, Niels Hemmingsen had recently published Syntagma institutionum christianarum which offered a Calvinist interpretation of the Eucharist.

Multi-scale fingerboard

It is depicted in Praetorius' music dictionary Syntagma Musicum published in 1619.


Recent scholarship, agreeing with a theory of Richard Adelbert Lipsius, suggests that this work Syntagma was the common source for Philastrius and the Panarion of Epiphanius, also.

Syntagma Musicum

Syntagma Musicum is a book by the German musicologist Michael Praetorius, published in Wittenberg and Wolfenbüttel in three parts between 1614-1620.

Tenor cornett

Michael Praetorius was not enthusiastic about the sound of the tenor cornett, he describes it as "bullocky and horn-like" in his Syntagma Musicum of 1619.

Tomaso Cecchino

The composer Michael Praetorius refers to him in the third volume of his Syntagma musicum.

see also