Novartis Vaccine and Diagnostics, among other companies, developed a synthetic approach that very rapidly generates vaccine viruses from sequence data in order to be able to administer vaccinations early in the pandemic outbreak.
The world's first synthetic vaccine was created in 1982 from diphtheria toxin by Louis Chedid (scientist) from the Pasteur Institute and Michael Sela from the Weizmann Institute.
vaccine | Synthetic racetrack surfaces for horse racing | MMR vaccine | Synthetic Generation | Vaccine | synthetic aperture radar | DPT vaccine | Synthetic diamond | Synthetic aperture radar | Serum and Vaccine Institute in Al-A'amiriya | Polio vaccine | polio vaccine | International Vaccine Institute | Vaccine Damage Payment | Synthetic Substitution | Synthetic resin | Synthetic Genomics | Synthetic Fuels Corporation | Synthetic Entertainment | Synthetic element | Pneumococcal vaccine | NYCO Synthetic Lubricants | National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act | Inverse synthetic aperture radar | International Vaccine Institute (IVI) | Inactivated vaccine | Hib vaccine | Hepatitis B vaccine | hepatitis B vaccine |