
unusual facts about Syrian

2006–08 Lebanese political protests

The opposition politicians were primarily members of anti-Syrian and Michel Aoun's Free Patriotic Movement, pro-Syrian Hassan Nasrallah's Hezbollah, and Nabih Berri's Amal Movement.

2011 in Syria

Syrian actor Jamal Suliman announced via BBC that Syrian artists released a statement regarding the ongoing uprising.

Abdullah Fa'izi ad-Daghestani

In 1943 he moved to a house on Jabal Qasioun mountain, a house that was bought by his first Syrian murid and later khalifah, Shaykh Husayn Ifrini.


Michael Ansara (1922–2013), Syrian-born American actor and voice actor

Anwar Chowdhry

Among a number of international official figures who expressed their sorrow and grief were Kishen Narsi from India, member AIBA executive Committee, Yoo Jae Joon from Seoul Korea, Shbib Mohamed Kamel, president of Syrian Boxing Federation, and member of AIBA Executive


It is a staple diet and a cultural synonym of the Nasranis (also known as Saint Thomas Christians or Syrian Christians) of Kerala, India.

Arab immigration to the United States

By 1924 there were 25 Syrian owned and operated silk factories in Paterson and West Hoboken, New Jersey alone.


Khalid Bakdash, the leader of the Syrian Communist Party from 1936 until his death.

Battle of Kissoué

On 8 June 1941, troops of the 5th Indian Infantry Brigade Group—under Brigadier Wilfrid Lewis Lloyd—had crossed the Syrian border from the British Mandate of Palestine to take Quneitra and Deraa with the objective of opening the way for Free French forces to advance along the roads from these towns to Damascus.

Buddhism and Gnosticism

In the 3rd century, the Syrian writer and Christian Gnostic theologian Bar Daisan described his exchanges with the religious missions of holy men from India (Greek: Σαρμαναίοι, Sramanas), passing through Syria on their way to Elagabalus or another Severan dynasty Roman Emperor.

Buddhist influences on Christianity

There were some contacts between Gnostics and Indians, e.g. Syrian gnostic theologian Bar Daisan describes in the 3rd century his exchanges with missions of holy men from India (Greek: Σαρμαναίοι, Sramanas), passing through Syria on their way to Elagabalus or another Severan dynasty Roman Emperor.

Carlo Hesser

Taking her Syrian stepfather's last name "Sahid," Talia had eventually gone into law enforcement for the express purpose of repudiating all the evil done by Carlo, and in the hopes of eventually bringing the father she despises to justice.

Chaldean Syrian Church

However, in 1995 Eshai's successor, Mar Dinkha IV was able to heal the rift, and the Chaldean Syrian Church returned to his jurisdiction.

Chapter 2 of the Syrian Constitution

Chapter 2 of the Syrian Constitution is the second part of the Syrian constitution introduced on 13 March 1973.

Chapter 3 of the Syrian Constitution

Chapter 3 of the Syrian Constitution is the third part of the Syrian constitution introduced on 13 March 1973.


Commodianus is supposed to have been from Roman Africa, partly on the ground of his similarity to Cyprian, partly because the African school was the chief center of Christian Latinity in the third century; Syrian origin has also been suggested.


DOX BOX, which is annual and runs in 3 Syrian cities, Damascus, Homs and Tartus, is organised by two Syrian filmmakers, Diana El Jeiroudi and Orwa Nyrabia, among others.

Elias Farah

Upon graduating with a degree in literature from Syrian University, he started his teaching career in Aleppo.


In the Syrian village of Tedef, a shrine said to be the burial place of Ezra has been venerated by Jews for centuries.

Fall of Ruad

The Franks from Cyprus did continue to engage in some naval attacks along the Syrian coast, destroying Damour, south of Beyrout.

Fatah al-Islam

On December 7, 2006 Le Monde reported that a top UN official had been informed by the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) representative in Lebanon, Abbas Zaki, of a plot by Fatah al-Islam to assassinate 36 anti-Syrian figures in Lebanon.

Fawzi Mutlaq al-Rawi

Rawi was accused of having twice met with a former commander of the Ba'athist militant group Jeish Muhammad in 2004, and having told the commander that the group would receive material support from the Syrian government.

Front for the Liberation of Lebanon from Foreigners

FLLF operations came to a sudden halt just prior to the June 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon, only to be resumed the following year with four huge car-bomb attacks: the first one on 28 January 1983 struck a PLO headquarters at Chtaura in the Syrian-controlled Beqaa Valley, killing 40, coupled by a second on 3 February at West Beirut that devastated the Palestine Research Center offices and left 20 people dead.

George Post

George Edward Post, professor of surgery at the Syrian Protestant College in Beirut

Goa Inquisition

In 1599 under Aleixo de Menezes, the Synod of Diamper forcefully converted the East Syriac Saint Thomas Christians (also known as Syrian Christians or Nasranis) of Kerala to the Roman Catholic Church.


He has published a number of poems, epics, and other literary works primarily in French, but translations have increased in recent years with an Arabic translation of Testament nomade by prominent Syrian poet Adunis.


Years after this, the Syrian king Hadadezer was ill and sent his court official Hazael with gifts to Elijah's successor Elisha.

Hofstad Network

Redouan al-Issar, also known as "The Syrian" is the suspected spiritual leader of the group.

Holy of Holies

The Saint Thomas Christians (also known as Nasrani or Syrian Christians) from Kerala, South India still follow a lot of Jewish Christian tradition.

Human rights violations during the Syrian Civil War

In a 23 October 2012 statement, Human Rights Watch said that Syrian military denials notwithstanding, HRW had "evidence of ongoing cluster bomb attacks" by Syria’s air force.

Idlib Governorate clashes

April 2012 Idlib Governorate Operation - an organized assault by Syrian Army on Idlib province prior to UN brokered cease-fire

Israel Aharoni

In 1930, Aharoni set off to look for Syrian hamsters at the request of his colleague Saul Adler, a parasitologist who was looking for an easily breedable alternative to the Chinese hamster for research on the disease Leishmaniasis.


By the efforts of the Armenian community of Paris, Cardinal Krikor Bedros Aghajanian and the Papal representative to Syria and Lebanon Remi Leprert, many parts of Kesab inhabited by Armenians were separated from Turkey and placed within the Syrian boundaries.

Lebanese Forces – Executive Command

The LFU was formed by Hobeika at Zahlé out of his LF supporters, who sought refuge in the Syrian-controlled Beqaa after being ousted from East Beirut in January 1985 by the Lebanese Forces' faction led by Samir Geagea.

Marilita Lambropoulou

Marilita has also directed theatre, including The Caretaker by Harold Pinter and Psychology of the Syrian Husband by Emmanuil Roidis.


Ghada Shouaa, the first Syrian athlete to win an Olympic gold medal, was born in Mhardeh as well as Patriarch Ignatius IV of Antioch.

Michel Samaha

Just before his arrest in August 2012, he was a member of Omar Karami’s pro-Syrian movement, the National Gathering.

Mohammed Ahmed Mustafa al-Dabi

The Secretary-General of the Arab League, Nabil Elaraby, has defended al-Dabi's reputation and the decision to appoint him as head of the Syrian mission.

Nadhmi Auchi

Auchi and AAO have also led and sponsored high level delegations made up of Arab, British and French dignitaries, religious and political figures pressing for the release of hostages in Baghdad, including securing the release of two French journalists, Christian Chesnot and Georges Malbrunot and their Syrian driver in 2004.

Pazhaya Suriyani Pally

Pazhaya Suriyani Pally (loosely translated as Old Syrian Church) is located at Chengannur, 117 km north of the Kerala state capital Thiruvananthapuram on the MC Road.

Sacred Heart Malankara Catholic Church, Mylapra

Sacred Heart Malankara Syrian Catholic Church or referred as S H Church is located in the village of Mylapra, near Pathanamthitta on the road side of the Main Eastern Highway in the Indian state of Kerala.

Special Handling Unit

Ali Dirie (terrorism, 2009-2011; died in Syrian civil war, 2013)

Sudanese Arabic

The pronunciation of certain letters was like Syrian, and not Egyptian, such as g being the pronunciation for Qaf and J being the pronunciation for Jim.

Syria al-shaab

The channel has reported attempts by the Syrian regime to jam its satellite broadcasts and to hack into its Skype account.

Syrian American Council

SAC advocates the U.S. government including President Barack Obama, Secretaries of State Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, the United States Senate, and the United States House of Representatives through its Washington, D.C., office for statements and policy changes to support the Syrian revolution.

Syrian Civil War spillover in Lebanon

In May 2012, Syrian opposition members kidnapped three pro-Syrian regime Lebanese in the village of Zeita near the Syrian border.

Syrian Democratic People's Party

Party leader Faeq al-Mir was arrested in December 2006 after being taped by Syrian intelligence agents calling Lebanese politician Elias Atallah to offer condolences for the death of Pierre Gemayel, Lebanon's Minister of Industry.

Syrian Democratic Turkmen Movement

However, the party is against a divided Syria because Syrian Turkmens live scatteredly in different cities such as Aleppo, Homs, Latakia, Azaz, Jarablus, Raqqah, Idlib, Hama and Damascus, and a parted Syria would give serious damage to the Turkmens.

Wadih el-Hage

Mamoun Darkazanli, Syrian-born businessman living in Hamburg, Germany, who had contacts with Mohamed Atta’s al-Qaeda cell in the same city.

see also