
unusual facts about Systematic


Systematic Paris-Region, a French business cluster devoted to complex systems.

A Celestial Atlas

A Celestial Atlas, full title: A Celestial Atlas: Comprising A Systematic Display of the Heavens in a Series of Thirty Maps Illustrated by Scientific Description of their Contents, And accompanied by Catalogues of the Stars and Astronomical Exercises is a star atlas by British author Alexander Jamieson, published in 1822.


Then Pierre Galet of the École nationale supérieure agronomique de Montpellier made a systematic assembly of criteria for the identification of vines.

Antoine François, comte de Fourcroy

Fourcroy's 1785 publication, Entomologia Parisiensis, sive, Catalogus insectorum quae in agro Parisiensi reperiuntur ..., co-written with Étienne Louis Geoffroy, was a major contribution to systematic entomology.

Catherine Gunsalus Gonzalez

After receiving a B.A. in history and government from Beaver College (now Arcadia University) in 1956, she then earned a S.T.B in student work from Boston University School of Theology in 1960 and a Ph.D. in systematic theology and history of doctrine from Boston University in 1965.

Chronic fatigue syndrome treatment

Based on evidence from multiple randomized clinical trials (RCTs), a systematic review published in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine (October 2006) stated that CBT and GET interventions showed promising results, appearing to reduce symptoms and improve function.

Cognitive dissonance

Jules Dupuit claims behaviors and cognitions can be understood from an economic standpoint such that individuals engaged in the systematic processing and comparison of the costs and benefits of a decision.

Cuthbert Mayne

The few missionaries who arrived from Douai, once their existence was learned by agents of Elizabeth I's government, were then looked upon as a large force of papal agents meant to overthrow the Queen.The authorities began a systematic search in June 1576, when the Bishop of Exeter William Broadbridge came to the area in Cornwall.


Starting from 1990 – Systematic development of modern infrastructure (potable water system, sewer system and wastewater treatment plants (Czersk and Rytel), heating gas distribution, development of modern road system, modernisation of railroad);


Differential diagnosis, abbreviated as DDx or D/Dx, a systematic method used to identify unknowns

Deathbed phenomena

Deathbed visions have been described since ancient times, however the first systematic study was not conducted until the 20th century.

ECRI Institute

Since its designation as an Evidence-based Practice Center by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality in 1997, it has undertaken systematic reviews of clinical procedures using metaanalysis for the Medicare program, other federal and state agencies and clinical specialty organizations.

Final stellation of the icosahedron

1938: In their 1938 book The Fifty Nine Icosahedra, H. S. M. Coxeter, P. Du Val, H. T. Flather and J. F. Petrie stated a set of stellation rules for the regular icosahedron and gave a systematic enumeration of the fifty-nine stellations which conform to those rules.

First Intifada

Mass demonstrations had occurred a year earlier when, after two Gaza students at Birzeit University had been shot by Israeli soldiers on campus on December 4, 1986, the Israelis responded with harsh punitive measures, involving summary arrest, detention and systematic beatings of handcuffed Palestinian youths, ex-prisoners and activists, some 250 of whom were detained in four cells inside a converted army camp, known popularly as Ansar 11, outside Gaza city.

General History of the Zhuang

General History of the Zhuang(traditional Chinese: 壯族通史;simplified Chinese: 壮族通史; pinyin: Zhuàngzú tōng shi) is an academic book which relatively systematic and comprehensive response Zhuang history written by Chinese famous historian Huang Xianfan.

General-purpose modeling

General-purpose modelling (GPM) is the systematic use of a general-purpose modelling language to represent the various facets of an object or a system.

Gordon Morgan Holmes

He introduced to England the painstaking physical examination of a neurologist and even outstripped Gowers in his systematic collection of clinical data and its correlation with anatomy and pathology.


Hantzsch–Widman nomenclature, type of systematic chemical nomenclature for naming heterocyclic parent hydrides

Hantzsch–Widman nomenclature

Hantzsch–Widman nomenclature is named after the German chemist Arthur Hantzsch and the Swedish chemist Oskar Widman, who independently proposed similar methods for the systematic naming of heterocyclic compounds in 1887 and 1888 respectively.

Health in All Policies

HIA is defined as “a systematic process that uses an array of data sources and analytic methods and considers input from stakeholders to determine the potential effects of a proposed policy, plan, program, or project on the health of a population and the distribution of those effects within the population”.

Johann Heinrich Gottlob Justi

In Göttingen Justi started his systematic study of contemporary French works, in particular Montesquieu's Spirit of the Laws.

John Todd Zimmer

He made systematic revisions of the taxonomy of the birds of Peru and their relatives in other parts of South America, and in his later years combined this with studies of New World flycatchers, preparing the section on the Tyrannidae for Peter's Check-list of Birds of the World.

Julio Carreras

During this period the Argentine government was undertaking the systematic massacre of guerrillas, unionists, university leaders, and political militants known as the Dirty War.


Except the longer epics Cilappatikaram and Manimekalai, which by common consent belong to the age later than the Sangam age, the poems have reached us in the forms of systematic anthologies.


The techniques are practiced barehanded, with a stick ( 杖), wooden sword (Bokken 木剣) and sword (Iaito 居合刀), upright or kneeling, with control or with throws, with one partner or many, in a systematic manner or freely.

Klaas Runia

In 1956 he was appointed Professor of Systematic theology at the Reformed Theological College in Geelong, Australia, where he taught until his return to the Netherlands in 1971.

Ludwig Boltzmann

Finally, in the 1970s E.G.D. Cohen and J.R. Dorfman proved that a systematic (power series) extension of the Boltzmann equation to high densities is mathematically impossible.


MARXAN has been used extensively by The Nature Conservancy, and is a major part of the systematic planning tools being used in the Global Marine Initiative.

Mexican migration

Under the Obama presidency, deportations of illegal immigrants have increased, as deportation procedures became more systematic and border controls were reinforced with police and military patrols.

Model Driven Interoperability

Therefore, it is promoted a systematic use of models as primary engineering artefacts throughout the engineering life cycle combined with both Domain Specific Modelling Languages and transformation engines and generators.


The most fully developed at this point is the Western Tarim region's 12 muqams, which are now a large canon of music and songs recorded from the traditional performers Turdi Akhun and Omar Akhun among others in the 1950s and edited into a more systematic system.

Neolithic circular enclosures in Central Europe

The earliest roundel to be described was the one at Krpy (Kropáčova Vrutice), Bohemia, by Woldřich 1886, but it was only with systematic aerial survey in the 1980s and the 1990s that their ubiquity in the region became apparent.

NSEL scam

The NSEL scam is a systematic and premeditated fraud perpetrated in the commodity market by National Spot Exchange Ltd based in Mumbai, India.

Oregon Festival of American Music

Since 2002 the festival has focussed more specifically on a systematic annual treatment of the Great American Songbook, with a deemphasis of art music in favor of musical theater and concerts that focus on various treatments of the Songbook, ranging from straight vocal interpretations to standards-based jazz.


According to one systematic review, it is equally effective as praziquantel for treating S. mansoni infections.

Palazzo Valentini

Over the same years the district on the ruins of the imperial fora was subjected to a general development of the land and to a systematic urbanisation, with the creation of the "quartiere Alessandrino" in the cardinal's honour (he was nicknamed "cardinale alessandrino" after his origins in a village in the province of Alessandria).


Recently, the systematic sequencing of the Arabidopsis thaliana genome has led to the identification of 66 open reading frames that are annotated as pectinesterases, most of which are encoded as large pre-proproteins.


Marsham was a wealthy landowner who kept systematic records of "Indications of spring" on his estate at Stratton Strawless, Norfolk, from 1736.


The systematic position of Platycarpha has long been regarded with uncertainty.


However, it was Praetorius who, in 1618, provided the first systematic definition of the quodlibet as "a mixture of diverse elements quoted from sacred and secular compositions".

Robert Higgins

Robert P. Higgins (born 1932), systematic invertebrate zoologist and ecologist

Saha ionization equation

In the early twenties Ralph H. Fowler (in collaboration with Charles Galton Darwin) developed a very powerful method in statistical mechanics permitting a systematic exposition and working out of the equilibrium properties of matter.

Saint Martial school

The only exception was Winchester Cathedral, where a systematic collection of organa can be found in the troper part—the so-called "Winchester Troper".


One of the first systematic studies of Sawndip that covered more than one location was Zhang Yuansheng's 1984 examination of 1114 Sawndip, mainly from Wuming but also including some characters from 37 other locations.

Scott Weidensaul

For his Pulitzer-nominated book Living on the Wind: Across the Hemisphere With Migratory Birds, the author took to longtime systematic observation, which included the ornithological technique of banding, and observing the birds, besides the author talked to various experts—as well as amateur birders and ornithologists who have made many of the important discoveries about bird biology.

Social rule system theory

The development of a more systematic conceptualization and theorizing about social rules and systems of social rules emerged in the late 1970s in the collaborative work of Thomas Baumgartner, Tom R. Burns, Philippe DeVille, and later Helena Flam, Reinier de Man, Atle Midttun, Anders Olsson, and others.

Steven Aguzzi

Aguzzi's primary contribution to systematic theology has been his utilization of Patristic Millennialism as a Christian eschatology that provides a way beyond Replacement theology.

Systematic risk

In finance and economics, systematic risk (sometimes called aggregate risk, market risk, or undiversifiable risk) is vulnerability to events which affect aggregate outcomes such as broad market returns, total economy-wide resource holdings, or aggregate income.

Touch typing

Many idiosyncratic styles in between those two exist — for example, many people will type blindly, but using only two to five fingers and not always in a systematic way.

Worcester Foundation for Biomedical Research

In the 1970s, WFEB scientists undertook the first systematic study of anti-tumor effects of the anti-estrogen tamoxifen led by 2003 Kettering Prize recipient V. Craig Jordan and initial studies of aromatase inhibitors by 2005 Kettering prize recipient Angela Brodie, two important classes of drugs to treat breast cancer.

see also