
8 unusual facts about T. Corey Brennan

Gaius Considius Longus

Brennan, T. Corey (2000), The Praetorship of the Roman Republic (Oxford:OUP) vol.

Marcus Minucius Thermus

Further discussion by T. Corey Brennan, The Praetorship in the Roman Republic (Oxford University Press, 2000), vol.


T. Corey Brennan, review of Vogt, Classical World 99.2 (2006), pp. 202f.


T. Corey Brennan, in his two-volume study of the praetorship, argues that during the military crisis of the 240s the second praetorship was created to make another holder of imperium available for command and provincial administration inter peregrinos.


In his study of the praetorship in the Republic, T. Corey Brennan has argued that originally prorogation was of two types, granted either by the Roman People or by the Senate: a prorogatio was put to a vote by the People (rogare) to determine whether a provincial command should be extended; propagatio was an extension by the Senate in other cases.

Roman triumph

Brennan, T. Corey: "Triumphus in Monte Albano", 315-337 in R. W. Wallace & E. M. Harris (eds.) Transitions to Empire. Essays in Greco-Roman History, 360-146 B.C., in honor of E. Badian (University of Oklahoma Press, 1996) ISBN 0-8061-2863-1

T. Corey Brennan

Terry Corey Brennan (born November 24, 1959) is an associate professor of Classics at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey, (USA), and was a guitarist and songwriter involved with several bands, most notably the alternative rock band The Lemonheads.

The latter track formed part of the band's sole session for John Peel's radio show, and on this track Brennan assumed lead vocal duties.

see also