The library maintains Inter-library loan relations with a number of institutions and libraries including IITs, BARC, NITIE, NCST, IISc, IIG, TIFR, IGIDR, TISS and NICT for exchange of books, journals, photocopies and videocassette
the Tata Insititute of Social Sciences (TISS) and International Institute of Population Sciences here.
It also founded the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS, 1936), the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR, 1945), and the National Center for Performing Arts.
An alumnus of both the Tata Institute of Social Science TISS, Mumbai from where she passed out in 1984 and the Film and Television Institute of India FTII, Pune from where she graduated with specialization in Film Direction in 1989, it has been years of hard work in getting this film across to the screen.
Childline was first established as an experimental project in June 1996, by Jeroo Billimoria, a professor at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai at the department of Family and Child Welfare.