
2 unusual facts about TNG

Gum languages

Malcolm Ross in his 2005 classification of TNG left them in the Mabuso family, but this was abandoned in Ethnologue 16, which placed them directly under Croisilles.

Hanseman languages

Malcolm Ross in his 2005 classification of TNG used them to help reconstruct the pronouns of the Mabuso family, saying that "the integrity of the Mabuso group is fairly obvious", suggesting that Mabuso is a recent development, but Ethnologue 16 placed the Hanseman languages directly under Croisilles.

Civil Aviation Caretaker Authority for Somalia

In 2002, the newly formed Transitional National Government (TNG) briefly re-assumed control of Somalia's airspace with the re-establishment of the Somali Civil Aviation Authority (SOMCAA) by the Ministry of Air and Land Transport.


Saida Haji Bashir Ismail, former Finance Vice-Minister in the TNG (2000-2004)

Rahanweyn Resistance Army

Internal disputes in the RRA erupted in 2002 between Shatigadud, who wished to support the new Somalia Reconciliation and Restoration Council (SRRC) and his two deputies, Sheikh Aden Madobe and Muhammad Ibrahim Habsade, who wished to continue to support the Transitional National Government (TNG).

Star Trek: Starfleet Command II: Empires at War

This differs from the Star Trek 'world' itself, which rarely featured fighters (except in later episodes of DS9); the closest equivalent were the ubiquitous shuttles such as the Galileo 7 prominently featured in the original Star Trek series episode "The Galileo Seven and the light spacecraft flown by Star Fleet cadets in the ST:TNG episode "The First Duty.

Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual

Most notably, a concept drawing from the manual describing an emergency landing of the saucer section was seen by TNG writers Ronald D. Moore, Jeri Taylor, and Brannon Braga who wanted to use a saucer crash as a sixth-season cliffhanger episode for the TV series.

see also