
2 unusual facts about Tadeusz Kantor

Prague Quadrennial

Important artists who marked the history of the theater and the scenography participated and exposed at the Prague Quadrennial, such as Salvador Dalí, Josef Svoboda, Oscar Niemayer, Tadeusz Kantor, Guy-Claude François and Ralph Koltai, as well as figures of the contemporary theater, such as Robert Wilson, Heiner Goebbels and Renzo Piano.

Tadeusz Kantor

In the 1990s, his works became well known in the United States due to presentations at Ellen Stewart's La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club which inspired Lower East Side cultural leaders such as the Nuyorican poet Giannina Braschi.

Duncan Roy

While there he organized art tours for the gallery to Germany and Poland with Joseph Beuys and Tadeusz Kantor.

Eugeniusz Rudnik

in Kassel, where previously attended, among other, Tadeusz Kantor and Magdalena Abakanowicz.

Opera Krakowska

The long list of names of renowned artists associated with it includes conductors such as Kazimierz Kord, Robert Satanowski, Jan Latham-Koenig, Roland Bader and Aurelio Canonici; set designers such as Tadeusz Kantor, Lidia Zamkow, Józef Szajna, Krystyna Zachwatowicz; and a plethora of singers, many of whom began their careers there, including Teresa Żylis-Gara and Wiesław Ochman.

see also