Tailgating, driving on a road too closely behind another vehicle
Lamb marking, a process applied in sheep husbandry, typically involving removal of a sheep's tail
Tailings, the material left over after the extraction of ore from its host material
Rossini, who has just organized a bootlegging gang, learns of Jim's trip to the office from his assistant Flash (Stander), who is suspicious of Jim and has been tailing him.
As the night goes on, the gang is confronted by wacky customers including a dildo-craving Rastafarian, a Borscht Belt comedian, a K-Y jelly-eating space alien, the man in black tailing him and his partner, a chicken.
Emma's water breaks and Gibbs doubles up as midwife while Ziva engages in a gunfight to fend and kill the mercenaries who have been tailing her, Gibbs and Emma.
The Supreme Court ruling was followed by final clearance from MoEF to SAIL with certain conditions requiring that SAIL would not set up beneficiation plant and tailing dam at Rowghat and would confine its activities only to mining, primary and secondary crushing in order to reduce the damage to flora and fauna.