
unusual facts about Talmud Bavli


"Rabbi Shmuel bar Nachmani said in the name of Rabbi Yochanan: 'Everyone who went to war on behalf of David, left a provisional get for his wife'" (Talmud Bavli, Tractate Shabbat 56a).

Am ha'aretz

The am ha'aretz are denounced in a very late and exceptional passage in Talmud Bavli Pesahim 49, where they are contrasted with the chachamim ("wise") and talmidei chachamim ("wise students", i.e. scholars of the Talmud).

Rabbi Zeira's stringency

The Talmud Bavli disagrees on how to view the said stringency in terms of it being categorized as a minhag or a halacha, Ravah -in dialoguh with his Mentor Rav Pappa, abstained from viewing it as an halacha with stating that it is in fact geo-location based with non-conforming communities fully entitled not to comply.

see also

Gershon Henoch Leiner

In order to accomplish this, he gathered all the relevant material from the whole Talmud Bavli, Talmud Yerushalmi, and all other Braysos etc., and presented them in chronological order in a sefer he called Sidrei Taharos on Maseches Keilim.