
8 unusual facts about Shabbat

Bernard Illowy

Various sources detail the increased religious observance, particularly of Shabbat and kosher laws, during the years he served the congregation.


The Midrash on the Book of Proverbs tells that her two sons died suddenly on the Sabbath, but she hid the fact from her husband until she could tell him in a way that would comfort him.

Caleb Afendopolo

'Asarah Mamarot (Ten Discourses), containing homilies on the Passover lesson (Ex. xii.14); on the Song of Songs as read on the seventh Passover Day; on Psalm cxix, read, according to Karaite custom, on the seven Sabbaths between Passover and Pentecost; and on the Pentecost lesson dealing with the Sinaitic revelation.

Christian archaeology

The biblical narrative describes a Shabbat visit to the site by Jesus, during which he heals a man who has been bedridden for many years, and could not make his own way into the pool.

Criticism of Conservative Judaism

Across the spectrum of Orthodoxy, myriads of people meticulously keep Shabbat (the Sabbath), Kashrut (the Dietary Laws), Taharat ha-mishapahah (the Laws of Family Purity) and pray three times a day.

Emanuel Feldman

During his nearly 40 years as a congregational rabbi, Feldman spoke out on controversial issues facing the community, including the opening of the Atlanta Jewish Community Center on Shabbat, kashrut, adoption, divorce, autopsy, and circumcision.

Homeland for the Jewish people

There has been ongoing debate in Israel on the character of the state, regarding whether it should enshrine more Jewish culture, encourage Judaism in schools, and enshrine certain laws of Kashrut and Shabbat observance.

Israir Airlines

This is a first for any Israeli airline and was seen by many as a means to attract many Haredi passengers to the airline at a time when they were showing great dissatisfaction with arch-rival, El Al, following their flying of aircraft on the Shabbat.

1982 Great Synagogue of Rome attack

The attack took place at the Great Synagogue of Rome in the historic district of Rome on Saturday morning, at 11:55 A.M., at the conclusion of Sabbath services.


Where, however, the rigorous exposition of laws worked hardship on the masses, he did not scruple to modify the decisions of his colleagues for the benefit of the community (Shabbat 134b; Yer. Shabbat xvii. 16b; Yer. Mo'ed Katan i. 80b).

After Saturday Comes Sunday

Writers like Israel Amrani and Nissan Ratzlav-Katz attribute it to fundamentalist Muslims and interpret it to mean that after they finish dealing with the Jews (who celebrate Sabbath on Saturday), they will next deal with the Christians (who celebrate Sabbath on Sunday).

Afternoon prayer

Tzidkatcha, the weekly Jewish afternoon prayer (recited on Shabbat)

Allan Nadler

At the same time, Nadler has published scholarly studies of some of the major sects of Hasidism, such as Satmar, Munkatch and Slonim, in addition to a widely noted analysis of the culinary habits of the Hasidim on the Shabbat and Jewish holidays ("Holy Kugel") that has been widely mistaken for an anti-Hasidic satire.


For the Shabbat Mevarchim preceding Rosh Chodesh Iyar — i.e., first Shabbat after the end of the Jewish holiday of Passover — there is a custom of baking schlissel challah ("key challah") as a segula (propitious sign) for parnassa (livelihood).

International Date Line

The halachic ruling of Rabbi Moshe Heinemann, Rabbinic Administrator of the Star-K, is as follows: In New Zealand and Japan, the local Saturday is according to majority opinion Shabbat, and it should therefore be fully observed as Shabbat, with Shabbat prayers, etc.

Israel ben Moses Najara

He wrote piyyuṭim, pizmonim, seliḥot, widduyim, and dirges for all the week-days and for Sabbaths, holy days, and occasional ceremonies, these piyyuṭim being collected in his Zemirot Yisrael. Many of the piyyuṭim are in Aramaic.

Israeli legislative election, 1973

The government resigned on 22 December 1976, after ministers of the National Religious Party were sacked because the party had abstained from voting on a motion of no confidence, which had been brought by Agudat Yisrael over a breach of the Sabbath on an Israeli Air Force base.

John 20:1

The "first day of the week" refers to the first day after the Sabbath, the modern Sunday and the third day after Jesus' crucifixion.


When a festival is on Saturday night, Kiddush is recited, but Havdalah must also be said because Shabbat is holier than the festivals.


The Lyozner Rebbe in Boro Park wears a kolpik on Shabbat, following a previous minhag of the Rebbes of Chabad.

Melaveh Malkah

The Talmud tells of the household of Rabbi Abbahu, in which they would slaughter a calf at the conclusion of each Shabbat and Rabbi Abbahu would eat one of its kidneys.

After the conclusion of Shabbat and the saying of Havdalah, a fresh tablecloth is spread and candles are lit for the meal of Melaveh Malkah.

Mordechai Willig

Willig is the author of a sefer entitled Am Mordechai, which came out in three volumes (1992 on Brachot, 2005 on Shabbat and 2010 on Seder Moed).

Oral Torah

"Mishnah" is the name given to the sixty-three tractates that HaNasi systematically codified, which in turn are divided into six "orders." Unlike the Torah, in which, for example, laws of the Sabbath are scattered throughout the books of Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers, all the Mishnaic laws of the Sabbath are located in a single tractate called Shabbat (Hebrew for "Sabbath").

Siddur and mahzor

Birchon, widely known by its Yiddish name "bentscher", a small book appropriate for use at the table containing the Birkat HaMazon, Grace after Meals, and frequently other prayers and songs recited at a Shabbat or holiday table such as Kiddush and Zemirot.

Siddur Sim Shalom

Additionally, the Amidah for Shabbat & Festivals is supplemented by an alternative, meditative, poetic translative rereading of the Amidah, written by André Ungar.


On days on which Tachanun would be omitted had it been a weekday, Tzidkatcha is omitted on Shabbat, as the added happiness of the day negates these feelings of sorrow.

Workweek and weekend

Jewish Shabbat or Biblical Sabbath lasts from sunset on Friday to the fall of full darkness on Saturday, leading to a Friday-Saturday weekend in Israel.


For example, the calendar date changes, and a meal eaten now includes the new day's additions in Grace after Meals (except at the conclusion of the Sabbath).

see also