
unusual facts about Tamil script

Takua Pa District

It was also known as Takkolam (Tamil: தக்கோலம்) which is the Tamil word for “piper cuveba’ and “calyptranthes jambalana. There is also a place in the Tamil country which up to now carries the same name Takkolam. Takua Pa could have either abounded in the spices “calyptranthese jambalana” and “piper cubeba” or it could have been occupied by settlers from the Takkolam of the Tamil country, or both.

Lotus News

Lotus News (Tamil: லோடஸ் ந்யூஸ்) is satellite TV's relay on OCTOBER 11, 2012 headquartered at Coimbatore in Tamilnadu and has been successfully broadcasting all its events acquiring a huge local and international Tamil population as its regular viewers.


Ranganātha (Tamil: அரங்கநாதர், Sanskrit : रंगनाथ) also known as Sri Ranganatha, Aranganathar, Ranga and Thenarangathan is a Hindu deity, more well known in South India, and the chief deity of the Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple, Srirangam.

Tamil bell

Some of the characters in the inscription are of an archaic form no longer seen in modern Tamil script, thus suggesting that the bell could be about 500 years old, possibly from the Later Pandya period.

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