He accompanied the other members of the Commission to Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika, Nyasaland and Northern Rhodesia, looking into the condition of the Colonies, their government, trade, infrastructure and social arrangements.
His first murder spree occurred near Mahagi, Belgian Congo in 1954, where he killed 21 people with an axe, before escaping and finally ending up in British occupied Tanganyika Territory.
Northern Territory | Australian Capital Territory | Indian Territory | New Mexico Territory | Utah Territory | Arizona Territory | Palmerston, Northern Territory | Northwest Territory | Washington Territory | Lake Tanganyika | Katherine, Northern Territory | Dakota Territory | Territory of Hawaii | Tanganyika | Nebraska Territory | Kwantung Leased Territory | Colorado Territory | Wisconsin Territory | territory | Duntroon, Australian Capital Territory | Alawa, Northern Territory | Yuendumu, Northern Territory | Kingston, Australian Capital Territory | Idaho Territory | Territory of New Guinea | Oregon Territory | Michigan Territory | Malak, Northern Territory | Kansas Territory | Yarrawonga, Northern Territory |
Loveridge, Arthur, Preliminary Description of a New Tree Viper of the Genus Atheris from Tanganyika Territory in Proceedings of the New England Zoological Club, Vol XI, 1930.