In the first series, Tara soon befriends fellow students Kat (Alicia Banit) and Ethan Karamakov (Tim Pocock), Sammy Lieberman (Tom Green), Abigail Armstrong (Dena Kaplan) and Christian Reed (Jordan Rodrigues), as well as eventually getting to know her teacher Ms. Raine (Tara Morice).
She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Australian History and English from the Australian National University and graduated from the National Institute of Dramatic Art in 1987.
Tara | Tara Conner | John Moore-Brabazon, 1st Baron Brabazon of Tara | Tara Strong | Tara, Russia | Tara Air | Tara Lipinski | Meghe Dhaka Tara | Hill of Tara | United States of Tara | Tara Morice | Tara Brooch | Thomas Preston, 1st Viscount Tara | Tara Thornton | Tara Palmer-Tomkinson | Tara McDonald | Tara Maclay | Tara Jane O'Neil | Tara Blaise | Peter Morice | William Morice | The Androids of Tara | Tara Sutton | Tara's Palace Museum of Childhood | Tara Slone | Tara Singh Varma | Tara Singh Ramgarhia | Tara Singh Hayer | Tara Sharma | Tara Rushton |