
unusual facts about Tarek Al-Wazir

Tarek Al-Wazir

His parents divorced while he was a child, and he spent several years of his youth in the Yemeni capital (Sana'a) with his father, an experience he later described as very influential in his personal development.


In the 14th century, the Wazir tribe of pashtuns, who were living in Birmal in the west, migrated eastwards to the Shawal area and fell into dispute with the Shitaks (Bannuchis and Dawars), and succeeded to oust the Shitaks northeastwards towards the land between the Tochi and Kurram rivers.

Hesse state election, 2009

The candidates for the office of minister-president in 2009 were the incumbent Roland Koch of the CDU; the new Hesse SPD party leader, Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel; Tarek Al-Wazir for the Greens; Jörg-Uwe Hahn for the FDP; and Willi van Ooyen for the Linke.

Jibril Rajoub

After Wazir's assassination by Israeli commandos, he became a close lieutenant of Arafat, and was allegedly behind a 1992 plot to assassinate Ariel Sharon.

Manu Chhabria

Komal Wazir now runs Chhabria's most famous takeover, Shaw Wallace; Bhavika Godhwani runs Hindustan Dorr Oliver, another takeover, while Kiran Chhabria runs Jumbo, the original Chhabria venture, in Dubai.

Mir khon khel

It is a small village of Wazir tribe (Tori Khel) adjacent to Tappi, containing 60 homes according to some old calculation, situated at a 4km distance toward south from the midpoint (Pir Kalay) of Mir Ali Miran Shah road...

Mirza Fath-ul-Mulk Bahadur

He also married Wazir Khanum, a beautiful lady of the time and through her had a stepson, the noted poet, Daagh Dehlvi.

Nasiruddin Bughra Khan

Qaiqabad acknowledged Bughra Khan's independence from Delhi and also removed Najimuddin as his wazir.

Pacha Wazir

Haji Pacha Wazir is an Emirati citizen who ran a series of Hawala banks before being arrested in 2003, amid accusations that he worked as the "main banker" for Osama bin Laden.

The Canadian Security Intelligence Service alleges that Mohamed Harkat was recorded on the phone with a "Haji Wazir" whom handled financial transactions for him, and described his bid to gain permanent resident status in Canada.

The Fisherman and the Jinni

The Jinni pleaded with the fisherman, who began to tell the story of "The Wazir and the Sage Duban" as an example of why the Jinni should have spared him.

Timur Shah Durrani

He ruled from Lahore under the regency of his Wazir, General Jahan Khan, who administered these territories for approximately one year, from May 1757 until April 1758.

see also