In March 2013 the Egypt Independent reported that Tariq's lawyers had arranged for Dr. Sondra Crosby, an associate professor of medicine at the Boston University School of Medicine and Public Health, to examine him on two occasions.
Originally the Bush Presidency asserted that captives apprehended in the "war on terror" were not covered by the Geneva Conventions, and could be held indefinitely, without charge, and without an open and transparent review of the justifications for their detention.
Tariq Ali | Tariq Ramadan | Tariq Teddy | Tariq ibn Ziyad | Pir Syed Tariq Yaqoob Rizvi | Tariq's Treasures | Tariq Aziz | Tariq Alhomayed | Zubaida Tariq | Tariq Aziz (TV personality) | Tariq Azim Khan | Tariq | Tariq Rahman | Tariq Mehmood | Tariq Hassan | Tariq Abdul-Wahad | Kashmala Tariq |
Omaha Police Officer Tariq Al-Amin, while hosting the Public-access television cable TV show Protecting the Village, angrily reacted, stating "This would be my gift to the Rucker children," while brandishing a straight razor.