The Sternhold-Hopkins psalter continued in general use till Nahum Tate and Nicholas Brady's New Version of the Psalms of David of 1696 was substituted in 1717.
Tate Modern | The Brady Bunch | Tate | Tom Brady | Tate Britain | Bob Brady | Sharon Tate | Wayne Brady | Tate Liverpool | Grady Tate | Geoff Tate | Tate St Ives | Diamond Jim Brady | Buddy Tate | Tate & Lyle | Paul Brady | Nick Tate | Nahum Tate | Buddy Tate (musician) | Allen Tate | The Brady Bunch Hour | Seán Brady | Brady | William A. Brady | Thomas J. Brady | Tate Publishing | Mathew Brady | Liam Brady | Jeffrey Tate | James Tate (writer) |