
2 unusual facts about Taxation in Finland

Taxation in Finland

All taxes are collected by the state agencies mentioned, who then distribute them to the local authorities, municipalities and the church parishes, and social security institution Kela.

Taxes are collected from church members by local church parishes belonging to the two official churches, Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland and Finnish Orthodox Church, and two country-wide Lutheran parishes, the German parish in Finland and Olaus Petri parish for citizens of Sweden living in Finland.

see also

Rip-off Britain

Suomi-lisä, the "Finland surcharge", occurs when a seller exploits the poor competition and high barriers to entry (due to regulation and taxation) in Finland to price a good higher (e.g. 51 € on PlayStation 3 vs. price in equally taxing Sweden); today applies especially to electronics, but used to refer to the high mortgage interest rates charged before late 1980s-early 1990s banking deregulation