The base includes 1,451 acres (5.9 kmĀ²) of sandy trails, cypress swamps, grassy dunes and soft and hard sand beaches.
Wannaganosuchus was found in a layer with abundant plant fossils suggesting the presence of a swamp forest in the area; taxodioid logs are common.
He also modified the focus of the series, including documentation of churches and public buildings and the recording of interiors and millwork details He also expanded the geographic scope of the project, documenting buildings in the southern states, many of which had been framed with Southern pine or Cypress.
Bog-wood may come from any tree species naturally growing near or in bogs, including oak (Quercus – "bog oak"), pine (Pinus), yew (Taxus), swamp cypress (Taxodium) and kauri (Agathis).
The collection of specimen trees and shrubs include towering American White and English Oaks, lindens, tulip trees, bald cypress, and Chinese Golden Larch, as well as different species and cultivars of azaleas, lilacs, viburnums, hollies, weeping cherries and rhododendrons.