Gush Katif | William Gush | Gush Shalom | Tekoa Mountain | Tekoa | Kedar, Gush Etzion | Gush Etzion |
In February 2008, Rabbi Menachem Froman, chief rabbi of Tekoa in the West Bank, and Khaled Amayreh, a journalist close to Hamas, reached an agreement for an Israeli-Hamas ceasefire in the Gaza Strip that would put an immediate end to all Palestinian attacks against Israeli civilians or soldiers, facilitate the release of abducted Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, and end the Israeli siege of the Gaza Strip.
Two years later, during the 1929 Palestine riots and recurring hostilities, Migdal Eder was attacked and destroyed.
However, this trend was criticized by the novelist Haim Be'er, who called the bloc's settlement movements a "fervent cult" and compared them to the Canaanites.
Since February 5, 2006, intercity bus routes to Gush Etzion and the Hebron area stop at Jerusalem Malha Train Station on their way from the Jerusalem Central Bus Station to their destination via Begin Boulevard.
Tuqu', also known as Tekoa or Teqoa, a Palestinian town in the West Bank.
Tekoa Mountain, a ridge in the Berkshires of Massachusetts, United States
In May 2001, two Israeli boys from Tekoa, Koby Mandell and Yosef Ishran, were murdered.
The modern settlement was established in 1975 as a Nahal outpost.
On October 30, 2002, together with David Shulman, a group that included the distinguished Israeli writers Amos Oz, Meir Shalev, A. B. Yehoshua, David Grossman, the daughter of Haim Gouri, with Rabbi Menachem Froman, co-founder of Gush Emunim and a settler in Tekoa, Ian Buruma and an assortment of Israeli television camera crews and journalists visited Yanun to assist the returned villagers with their harvest and ward off settlers.