
3 unusual facts about Tendai


According to the oral tradition, Shōgen-ji was initially built as a Tendai temple during Saicho's visit to Eastern Japan in 817.


By the time of Ryōgen, there were two distinct groups on Mt. Hiei: the Sammon, or Mountain Group who followed Ennin, and the Jimon or River Group who followed Enchin.

Shedding worldly pleasures and attachments might seem to require that such flowers of culture as poetry, literature, and visual arts be given up.


Tendai | Tendai Biti |

Blue Lotus Assembly

The name, Blue Lotus Assembly (Sho-Ren Ko), was derived from the Shoren-In Blue Lotus Temple of Kyoto, former temple home of the poet-priest Jien, 62nd Zasu (Headmaster) of Tendai, whose name inspired the dharma name given to founder Stephen Kinryu-Jien Hayes.

Buddhism in Taiwan

During the Japanese period (1895–1945), many schools of Japanese Buddhism came to Taiwan to propagate their Buddhism teachings, such as Kegon (華厳宗), Tendai (天台宗), Shingon Buddhism (真言宗), Rinzai school (臨済宗), Sōtō (曹洞宗), Jōdo shū (浄土宗), Jōdo Shinshū (浄土真宗) and Nichiren Buddhism (日蓮宗).


During his twelve years on Hiei, Enchin himself saw a conflict between direct disciples of Saichō (namely Enchō and Kosho) and the disciples of his own master, the second Tendai zasu Gishin.


Etai Yamada, the 253rd head priest of the Japanese Tendai school of Mahayana Buddhism.


Seizan Buddhism also seems to incorporated techniques from the Shingon and Tendai sects including the use of mandala (such as the famous Taima Mandala), and other ascetic practices.


In modern times, shugendō is practiced mainly by Tendai and Shingon sects, retaining an influence on modern Japanese religion and culture.


Tachikawa-ryu ideas and influences also appeared in cultic practices with Dual Ganesha (Sōshin Kangiten) and Aizen Myō-Ō (Ragaraja), and in the other main orthodox school of mikkyo Tendai, in their Genshi Kimyōdan cult.

Tendai Chatara

Tendai Larry Chatara (born 28 February 1991 at Chimanimani, Zimbabwe) is an international cricketer who represents the Zimbabwe national cricket team.

Tendai Mukomberanwa

The son of Grace Mukomberanwa and Nicholas Mukomberanwa, Tendai worked with his father from age 10 in his early childhood days.

Tendai began sculpting from a young age under the training of his father, world renowned artist, Nicholas Mukomberanwa.

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