
2 unusual facts about Tense


Grammatical tense, a grammatical category expressing the time when a state or action denoted by a verb occurs

Tenseness, a phonological quality frequently associated with vowels and occasionally with consonants

2002 NRL Grand Final

It looked as though it was going to be a tense finish but tries to Fitzgibbon, Chris Flannery and Bryan Fletcher as well as 3 conversions from Fitzgibbon meant the Sydney Roosters ran out 30-8 victors over the New Zealand Warriors.

Anna Vainikka

- i.e. the initial state of the L2 is the final state of the first - Young-Scholten and Vainikka have argued that only lexical categories (e.g. the noun phrase) are drawn from the L1, and that functional categories (e.g. the inflectional phrase that represents tense) do not; rather, the learner 'grows' new ones because they start their L2 acquisition with only a 'minimal' syntactic tree.

Catalan verbs

This tense is quite unique among Romance languages, only shared with some Gascon and Aragonese (Benasque, Gistaín) dialects, and it seems to have existed in Catalan at least since the 13th century.

Cerro Porteño

At the time of Cerro's foundation the situation in Paraguay was tense with instability in the government caused by the fervent rivalries between the two leading political parties, the Partido Colorado (Colorado Party) and the Partido Liberal (Liberal Party).

Chéri Samba

In 2007, curator Robert Storr invited Samba to participate in the 52nd International Art Exhibition at the Venice Biennale, entitled “Think with the Senses—Feel with the Mind. Art in the Present Tense”, and described by The Huffington Post as 'certainly "the exhibition" of this new Century'.

Come On Die Young

Much of Come On Die Young consists of slow, quiet, drum-driven tracks containing tense, feedback-laden crescendos and occasionally ambient textures.

Danish grammar

Like in other Germanic languages, the conjugation of verb tenses is divided into two groups: The first group, the so-called weak verbs, indicates the past tense by adding the suffixes -ede or -te.

Dead Man's Burden

They're given hope for a better life when a mining company shows interest in purchasing their homestead, but things become tense when Martha's brother Wade (Barlow Jacobs), who defected to the Union Army returns home after hearing of their father's death- unaware that Martha herself was the one who brought about his demise.

English irregular verbs

Apart from the modal verbs, which are irregular in that they do not take an -s in the third person (see above), the only verbs with irregular present tense forms are be, do, have and say (and prefixed forms of these, such as undo and gainsay, which conjugate in the same way as the basic forms).


Following the U.S. financial crisis in 2008, fears of a sovereign debt crisis developed in 2009 among fiscally conservative investors concerning some European states, with the situation becoming particularly tense in early 2010.

Francis Urquhart

Michael Dobbs stated that the inspiration behind Urquhart came during a drinking session at a swimming pool after a tense encounter with Margaret Thatcher, deliberately creating a character moulded around the initials "FU".

Frank M. Robinson

The Gold Crew, also co-written Scortia, was a tense nuclear threat thriller and was filmed as an NBC miniseries re-titled The Fifth Missile.

Future tense

In addition, the verb forms used for the future tense can also be used to express other types of meaning; English again provides examples of this (see English modal verbs for the various meanings that both will and shall can have besides simply expressing futurity).

It is possible to use would in its capacity as the past tense of the future marker will (see English modal verbs and future-in-the-past); for example: "The match started at midday but would not end until the evening."

In Irish, the future tense is formed two ways in regular verbs, depending on verb class.

Future: Tense: The Coming World Order

Future: Tense : The Coming World Order (ISBN 0-7710-2978-0) is a 2004 book by Canadian journalist and author Gwynne Dyer.

Gilles Mimouni

To date, his only directorial credit is the feature film L'Appartement (1996) - a tense romantic thriller starring Vincent Cassel, Monica Bellucci, and Romane Bohringer, although he acted as executive producer for its U.S remake Wicker Park (2004).

Goran Žugić

Due to the tense political circumstances during which the murder occurred, some English-language Western media outlets like The Guardian and the Los Angeles Times were quick to indirectly point out a possible connection to similar events in Serbia at the time (Serbia was going through its own wave of assassinations in the first part of 2000).

Henri Richelet

Following the tradition of Caravaggio, or of Georges de La Tour in his Saint Jérôme pénitent, he uses dark backgrounds to make livid and pallid flesh of tense, hunched up bodies stand out.

Historical present

Margaret Atwood's dystopian novel The Handmaid's Tale is entirely written in the historical present tense.

Hugo Primozic

Hugo Primozic (16 February 1914 – 18 March 1996) was one of Germany's Sturmgeschütz (assault gun) aces during World War II and was noted for his quick reactions, clever tactical use of ground and the icy nerve which in tense situations enabled him to hold his fire until his opponent had closed to point-blank range.

James Shankar Singh

The constituency included the districts of Ba, Tavua and Ra and in a tense and sometimes violent campaign Singh lost to Koya by 3,998 to 3,480 votes.

Jean Claude Ades

His better known remixes include that of The Nightcrawlers' "Push The Feeling On", Coburn's "We Interrupt this Programme", Tomcraft's "Da Disco", The Roc Project's "Never (Past Tense)" and iiO's "At the End".

Jimmy Wetch

In 1995 he won the Huebler Cup and in 1996 a major tour stop at Great Gorge, New Jersey, as well as three second-place finishes at tour events, including a tense 8-6 loss in the finals of the 1996 Camel World 9-ball Championship at the hand of the Magician, Efren Reyes.

Jordan of Laron

When Bishop Gerald I died at Charroux in November 1023, tense negotiations ensued to determined his successor.

Juan Carlos Onganía

However, he demonstrated a disregard for civil authority when he initially refused to call off his troops after a ceasefire agreement had been approved by President José María Guido and his cabinet, and was only convinced to follow orders after a tense meeting.

Kunama people

As refugees they reside in the tense area just over the border with Eritrea and in proximity to the contested border village of Badme.

Liv Malone

In "Grace", Liv notices Franky and Matty's tense interaction while rehearsing for Grace's production of Twelfth Night, and puts two and two together.

Luttif Afif

After tense negotiations, the hostage crisis ended after 21 hours with a bungled ambush on the hostage takers at Fürstenfeldbruck airbase outside of Munich.

North Slavic languages

Hannu Tommola, 2000, "On the Perfect in North Slavic." Östen Dahl (ed.), Tense and Aspect in the Languages of Europe.

Palace of the Governors

He remembered later in life that it was at night, during a severe thunderstorm in the spring of 1879, after returning from a tense meeting with Billy the Kid in Lincoln County, when he wrote the climactic Crucifixion scenes of the novel.

Past exonerative

The "past exonerative" tense is a witticism coined by William Schneider of the New York Times to describe the rhetorical tactic of speaking in the passive voice in order to distance oneself from blame.

Paul Morrow

If there are any personnel with whom he shares an active dislike, it seems to be Doctor Bob Mathias; command decisions that affect the Medical department can lead to tense (and loud) verbal encounters ('Force of Life', 'The Testament of Arkadia') between the two men.


Pensa is the present tense third person conjugation for the verb pensar ("to think") of the Portuguese language.

Peter J. Hamilton

At times, Hamilton had tense relations with a fellow Wilson appointee, Governor of Puerto Rico Arthur Yager.

Preston Mommsen

He was stand-in captain against Kenya match where Mommsen took his time getting set striking only one four on his way to a half-century off 81 balls as Scotland clinched their third World Cup berth in dramatic fashion with a tense three-wicket win over Kenya with three balls to spare at Hagley Oval.

Przemysł I of Greater Poland

Although he stopped the advance of Brandenburg's troops into his domains (Santok in 1247, Zbąszyń in 1251 and Drezdenko in 1252), the situation remained tense on the Brandenburg border.

Quinn brothers' killings

The killings took place at the height of the stand-off over the Orange Order march at Drumcree, which created a tense atmosphere in various towns across Northern Ireland.

Sichuanese Mandarin

In the "old" Minjiang dialect, the stop consonants for checked-tone syllables in Middle Chinese have developed into tense vowels to create a phonemical contrast, and in several cities and counties the tense vowels are followed by a glottal stop to emphasize the contrast.

Struggle from the Subway to the Charts

The plot consists of a dark, introductory piece (Broken Sorrow), followed by the brothers facing a tense situation during a ride on the subway (Struggle) and the expression of their emotional dilemmas (Thunder).

Tate's purchase of The Upper Room

The Stuckists demonstrated outside the Turner Prize on 6 December 2005 against the purchase of The Upper Room with slogans such as "£25,000 Turner Prize, £705,000 Trustee Prize", and were approached by Serota, who became tense, according to Stuckist leader, Thomson.

The Airport

After a brief tense moment during which Jerry explains that he cannot fly coach since he's flown first class before while Elaine hasn't and so cannot miss it, Elaine gets cramped into coach and Jerry parties in first class with a model, Tia Van Camp (Jennifer Campbell).

Vickram Bahl

He has been presenting television popular programmes such as Biz Talk, Future Tense, Face to Face and Global Vision on Jain TV, which is among the first Indian private television satellite channels.

Within Our Gates

Critics of the film feared that the lynching and attempted rape scenes would spark interracial violence in a city still tense from the riots of July 1919.

Yvonne Ridley

She was given all necessary clearances by the external affairs ministry, but was denied a visa at the last minute because of the tense situation in Hyderabad following the arrest of the local legislator Akbaruddin Owaisi a few days back.

Zero copula

The present tense of the copula in Russian was in common use well into the 19th Century (as attested in the works of Fyodor Dostoyevsky) but is now used only for archaic effect.

see also