
unusual facts about Terminalia

Andhra Pradesh Forest Department

The State is a proud possessor of some rare and endemic plants like Cycas beddomei, Pterocarpus santalinus, Terminalia pallida, Syzygium alternifolium, Shorea talura, Shorea tumburgia, Psilotum nudam etc.

The vegetation found in the state is largely of dry deciduous type with a mixture of Teak, and species of the genera Terminalia, Dalbergias, Pterocarpus, Anogeissus etc.


The Parentalia was a nine-day festival honoring the ancestors and propitiating the dead, while the Terminalia was a set of rituals pertaining to boundary stones that was probably also felt to reinforce the boundary of the year.

Garella nilotica

The larvae feed on various trees and shrubs in at least five families of broad-leaved plants, including Cynometra, Heritiera, Mangifera, Terminalia, Rhododendron, Bucida (including Bucida buceras), Canocarpus, Olea, Prunus, Salix and Tamarix species.

T. superba

Terminalia superba, the superb terminalia, limba, afara or korina, a large tree species native to tropical western Africa

see also