
unusual facts about Thüringen

Princess Teresa Cristina of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha

She was born Princess Theresia Christiane Maria Josepha Ignatia Benizia Michaela Gabriele Raphaele Gonzaga of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha at the Thüringen in Austria-Hungary.

August Victor Paul Blüthgen

August Victor Paul Blüthgen, (25 July 1880, Mühlhausen, Thüringen -2 September 1967, Naumburg ) was a German entomologist who specialised in Hymenoptera.

Christine Laser

Christine Laser, néé Bodner, (born 19 March 1951 in Mattstedt, near Apolda, Thüringen) is a former German athlete who mainly competed in the pentathlon.

County of Nassau

In the middle of the 12th century, this relationship was strengthened by the acquisition of parts of the Hesse-Thüringen feudal kingdom, namely the Herborner Mark, the Kalenberger Zent and the Court of Heimau (Löhnberg).

Diethelm von Eichel-Streiber

Diethelm von Eichel-Streiber was born 10 August 1914 at Oppershausen in the region of Thüringen.

Falk Huste

Falk Huste (born November 6, 1971 in Greiz, Thüringen) is a boxer from Germany, who won the bronze medal in the Men's Featherweight (– 57 kg) division at the 2000 European Amateur Boxing Championships in Tampere, Finland.

Friedrich Wilhelm Carl Umbreit

Friedrich Wilhelm Carl/Karl Umbreit (April 11, 1795, Sonneborn, Thüringen - April 26, 1860, Heidelberg) was a German Protestant theologian and a Hebrew Bible scholar.

Gustav Wyneken

The young Walter Benjamin's political aesthetics were greatly influenced by a stay (1905-1907) at a Wyneken boarding school (Haubinda in Thüringen) where he became close to Wyneken.

Kuno Lorenz

Kuno Lorenz (born September 17, 1932 in Vachdorf, Thüringen) is a German philosopher.

Otto Schmiedeknecht

Otto Schmiedeknecht (8 September 1847 Bad Blankenburg, Thüringen- 11 February 1936, Blankenburg) was a German entomologist who specialised in Hymenoptera.


PIKO manufactures its own products, at its headquarters factory in Sonneberg (Thüringen) Germany, and at its own factory, PIKO China, in Guangdong, PRC.


The festival lasts three days and takes place on the second weekend of August in Thüringen at the Bleilochtalsperre near Saalburg-Ebersdorf.

The Tomb of Frederick the Great

In March 1943 they were taken into an underground bunker in Potsdam-Eiche and then in March 1945 to the salt mine at Bernterode in Eichsfeld (Thüringen).

see also