
unusual facts about The Astronomer

The Astronomer

Vita Hludovici or the "Limousin Astronomer", the anonymous author of the Vita Hludovici, a biography of Holy Roman Emperor Louis the Pious

see also

187 Lamberta

187 Lamberta is a main-belt asteroid that was discovered by French (Corsican) astronomer Jérôme Eugène Coggia on April 11, 1878 and named after the astronomer Johann Heinrich Lambert.

3192 A'Hearn

In 1986, it was named after the astronomer Michael A'Hearn for his contributions to the field of cometary science.

Abraham von Franckenberg

Tired of this and other confrontations, and mindful of the fact that events of the Thirty Years’ War were moving in the direction of Silesia, Franckenberg moved to Danzig via Breslau in 1641, where he lodged until 1649 with the astronomer Johannes Hevelius, who introduced him to Copernican astronomy.

Abu-Mahmud Khojandi

He was born in Khujand; a bronze bust of the astronomer is present in a park in modern-day Khujand, now part of Tajikistan.

Adam Birtwistle

Fascinated by ‘performers’ of all descriptions, his subjects vary from the astronomer, Sir Patrick Moore, and Winston Churchill, through to the actor Jeremy Irons and Dame Marjorie Scardino.

Anders Celsius

As the son of an astronomy professor, Nils Celsius, and the grandson of the mathematician Magnus Celsius and the astronomer Anders Spole, Celsius chose a career in science.

Antonio Pacinotti

He was appointed as assistant to the astronomer Giovanni Battista Donati in 1862, professor at the technological institute of Bologna in 1864, professor of physics at the University of Cagliari in 1873, and, finally, successor to his father in 1881 in the chair of technological physics at the University of Pisa.


Copernican means of or pertaining to the astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus

Doctor Sivana

In the Superman cartoon "The Magnetic Telescope" by Fleischer Studios, the astronomer (voiced by Bud Collyer) who built the titular device and as a result threatened the city strongly resembled Dr. Sivana.

Eva Ahnert-Rohlfs

At Sonneberg Observatory Eva Rohlfs met the astronomer Paul Oswald Ahnert and they were married in 1952.

Falcon Coperis

Falcons are top predators in the world and "Coperis" was derived from the name of the astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus.

Geographical mile

The Danish and German geographical mile (geografisk mil and geographische Meile or geographische Landmeile, respectively) is 4 minutes of arc, and was defined as approximately 7421.5 metres by the astronomer Ole Rømer of Denmark.

George Rodney Willis

Projects on the boards during the time that Willis worked with Hunt and his partner Elmer Grey include:the Edith Daniels House, in Aradia, CA (1904), the Livingston Jenks House, San Rafael, CA (1904), the Astronomer's House (aka The Monastery) and other buildings, at the Mount Wilson Observatory, Mount Wilson, CA (1904), the Thomas H. Foote House, East Colorado Street, Pasadena, CA (1905), and the J.W. Gillespie House, in Montecito, CA.

HD 209458 b

On April 24, the astronomer David Charbonneau, who led the team that made the Hubble observations, cautioned that the telescope itself may have introduced variations that caused the theoretical model to suggest the presence of water.

Herbarium vivum

In 1834 the astronomer John Herschel, facing a similar problem of accurate delineating, used a camera lucida to pencil in the outlines of Cape Colony plants while his wife Margaret then painted in the details.

Herschel Girls' School

The property on which it stands belonged to V.A. Schonnberg who, when he sold the main estate in 1834 to Sir John Herschel, the astronomer, retained this portion and named it after his illustrious neighbour.

Jean-André Lepaute

His wife, whom he married in 1748, was the astronomer Nicole-Reine Lepaute, who nursed him in his long last illness.

Johannes de Sacrobosco

The astronomer Campanus of Novara in 1268 did similar work, again making use of Arabic astronomy sources.

John Mudge

Other allies and guests of Mudge were James Ferguson, the astronomer, and James Northcote, originally a chemist's assistant, who owed him his position in Reynolds's studio.

John Rutherfurd

One of Robert's sons, and John's grandson, was the astronomer Lewis Morris Rutherfurd.

Karl Friedrich Knorre

Knorre had fifteen children who survived infancy, of which the best known was his fifth son, the astronomer Viktor Knorre.

Mabel Loomis Todd

Mabel Loomis Todd or Mabel Loomis (November 10, 1856 – October 14, 1932) was an American editor and writer, and the wife of the astronomer David Peck Todd.

Magellan Telescopes

The two telescopes are named after the astronomer Walter Baade and the philanthropist Landon T. Clay.

Marcus Manilius

The editio princeps of Astronomicon was prepared by the astronomer Regiomontanus, using very corrupted manuscripts, and published in Nuremberg about 1473.

Maskelynes Islands

They were named by Captain Cook after the Astronomer Royal Nevil Maskelyne as he sailed north from Port Resolution on Tanna in HMS Resolution in late 1774.

Paper Mill Run

William Rittenhouse, grandfather of the astronomer David Rittenhouse, built the first paper mill in America along Paper Mill Run in the late 17th century.


19226 Peiresc, an outer main-belt asteroid named after the astronomer

Pinacoteca di Brera

The Brera Observatory hosted the astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli for four decades, and the Orto Botanico di Brera is a historic botanical garden located behind the Pinacoteca.

Roderick Oliver Redman

The asteroid 1993 PE (7886 Redman) has been named for him jointly with the astronomer Russell Ormond Redman, no relation except for their shared initials and the fact that both worked at the DAO during significant parts of their careers.

Rudolph Snellius

His son Willebrord Snellius was the astronomer and mathematician who gave his name to Snell's law.


This location places SACI students in the vicinity of the Duomo, the churches of San Lorenzo and Santa Maria Novella, and is just steps away from the central market and the new Alinari photography museum.The Palazzo was remodeled as a residence in the 17th century for the mathematician Vincenzo Viviani, who had been a pupil of the astronomer and scientist Galileo Galilei.


Sidera Lodoicea, name given by the astronomer Giovanni Domenico Cassini to the four moons of Saturn

Sophie of Mecklenburg-Güstrow

She showed a keen interest in science and visited the astronomer Tycho Brahe.

Star cluster

In 1917, the astronomer Harlow Shapley was able to estimate the Sun's distance from the galactic centre based on the distribution of globular clusters; previously the Sun's location within the Milky Way was by no means well established.

Stull Observatory

The history of the Stull Observatory goes back to 1863, when the astronomer William A. Rogers ordered and donated a 9 inch refractor with the American optician Henry Fitz.

Sydney Observatory

The 1858 building designed by the Colonial Architect, Alexander Dawson, comprised a dome to house the equatorial telescope, a room with long, narrow windows for the transit telescope, an office for calculations, and a residence for the astronomer.

Thomas Kilby Smith

His parents moved to Cincinnati, Ohio, in his early childhood, where he was educated in a military school under Ormsby M. Mitchel, the astronomer, and studied law in the office of Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase.

Wallace, Nova Scotia

Wallace is the birthplace of Simon Newcomb, the astronomer and mathematician, and the hometown of figure skater John Mattatall as well as the retirement residence of 2009 Nobel Prize in Physics co-winner Willard Boyle co-inventor of the charge-coupled device or the CCD imaging chip at the heart of digital cameras, and Raymond Legend of the EASHL Hartford Whalers.


The astronomer and astrophysicist Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin, who first postulated that the universe was made up primarily of lighter elements such as hydrogen, was born in Wendover in 1900.

William Kissam Vanderbilt

She was a widow to sportsman Samuel Stevens Sands and to Lewis Morris Rutherfurd, Jr., son of the astronomer Lewis Morris Rutherfurd.

With 100 Kazoos

Dedicatees of the work include the science fiction writers Roger Zelazny, Theodore Sturgeon, Samuel R. Delany and the astronomer Patrick Moore.