
2 unusual facts about Doctor Sivana

Doctor Sivana

Laughed out of society by people who called his inventions impractical and his science a fake, Sivana took his family to the planet Venus in a spaceship he had invented, where he stayed until his children were grown, and Earth not as backward as when he left it; since his children were adults by 1940, his departure from Earth would implicitly have been the late 1910s or early 1920s.

In the Superman cartoon "The Magnetic Telescope" by Fleischer Studios, the astronomer (voiced by Bud Collyer) who built the titular device and as a result threatened the city strongly resembled Dr. Sivana.

Sebastian Moran

This novel also features many other fictional characters from Arthur Conan Doyle works, as Fred Porlock and Parker (two Moriarty Gang Members), Joseph Conrad’s Charles Marlow, Rudyard Kipling’s Peachey Taliaferro Carnehan, and an ancestor of C.C. Beck’s Doctor Sivana (misspelled “Sivane” in the novel), among others.

The Magnetic Telescope

The story begins with Clark Kent and Lois Lane, along with the entire town, observing a scientist's (who resembles Captain Marvel's archnemesis Doctor Sivana) demonstration of his magnetic telescope.

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