As the story begins we are introduced to the brothers (Jean Claude & Phillipe and their brothers) and Little Joe (Larry) (an obvious allusion to "Little Joe" Cartwright) who all live at the "Okie-Dokie Corral" (an obvious parody of the O.K. Corral).
Joe Cocker | Joe Louis | Joe Henderson | Joe Satriani | Joe Biden | Joe DiMaggio | G.I. Joe | Joe Frazier | Joe Lovano | Fat Joe | ballad | Joe Dever | Joe Walsh | Joe Manchin | Joe Zawinul | Joe Namath | Joe Lieberman | Joe E. Brown | Joe E. Brown (comedian) | Joe | Joe Paterno | Joe Clark | Joe Bonamassa | Joe Dante | Joe Montana | Trader Joe's | Joe Sample | Joe Lynn Turner | Joe Louis Arena | Billy Joe Shaver |