
4 unusual facts about The Big Store

Production of gramophone records

Home recording equipment made a cameo appearance in the 1941 Marx Brothers film, The Big Store.

The Big Store

There is one gag which breaks the fourth wall, during the "Sing While You Sell" sequence: while Groucho is narrating a fashion show, he asides "This is a bright red dress, but Technicolor is so expensive."

"Sing While You Sell"- Groucho, Six Hits and a Miss singing group, with other cast members, including Virginia O'Brien, and with Harpo as a drum-beating snake charmer

Groucho plays detective Wolf J. Flywheel, a character name originating from the Marx-Perrin radio show Flywheel, Shyster, and Flywheel in the early 1930s.

Henry Armetta

In 1941, he memorably played the father of a large Italian family shopping for beds in The Big Store opposite the three Marx Brothers.

see also