
4 unusual facts about Time perception

Time perception

Pioneering work, emphasizing species-specific differences, was done by Karl Ernst von Baer.

In an experiment conducted by David Eagleman, a temporal order judgment reversal was induced in subjects by exposing them to delayed motor consequences.

Research conducted by David Eagleman has suggested that time does not actually run in slow motion for a person during a life-threatening event, but, rather, it is only a retrospective assessment that brings that person to such a conclusion.

Students were shown extracts from films known to induce fear (horror movies such as The Blair Witch Project, Scream, The Shining) or sadness (dramas such as City of Angels, Philadelphia, or Dangerous Minds).

Vierordt's law

Karl von Vierordt (1868) was the first to record a law of time perception which relates perceived duration to actual duration over different interval magnitudes, and according to task complexity.

see also