Twenty-two years after his initiation into a secret society known as the "Brotherhood of the Bell" or "the Bell", Dr. Andrew (Andy) Patterson (Glenn Ford) is requested to be the "senior" of a new initiate, Phillip Everest Dunning (Robert Pine).
Shepherd questions Harry Masters, but Masters denies having taken Patterson to see Burns, and tells him that Patterson is emotionally disturbed and requires psychiatric help.
Alexander Graham Bell | Bell Labs | Taco Bell | Joshua Bell | Bell Canada | Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood | Muslim Brotherhood | Brotherhood of Evil | Liberty Bell | Bell X-1 | Bell | For Whom the Bell Tolls | Tinker Bell | Bell Helicopter | bell | Kristen Bell | Saved by the Bell | Irish Republican Brotherhood | Bell System | William Bell | Martin Bell | Bell 206 | Art Bell | Vanessa Bell | United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America | Thom Bell | Plan 9 from Bell Labs | Jamie Bell | Gordon Bell | Cool Papa Bell |