
unusual facts about The Chieftains 6: Bonaparte's Retreat

Bonaparte's Retreat

The Chieftains 6: Bonaparte's Retreat, an album featuring a recording of "The Bonny Bunch of Roses"

Anna's Retreat, United States Virgin Islands

The Weymouth Rhymer Highway passes through Anna's Retreat, turning into Red Hook Rd which leads to Red Hook.

Cornwallis's Retreat

Cornwallis led his squadron southwest, rounding Ushant on the night of 7–8 June and cruising southwards down the Breton coast past the Penmarck Rocks.

Florence MacKubin

The people whose portraits she painted include Joel Chandler Harris, Basil Gildersleeve, Mrs. Charles J. Bonaparte, Justice Horace Gray, Senator George F. Hoar, and Mrs. Thomas F. Bayard.

Gid Tanner

Among their best-known songs are "Alabama Jubilee", "Shortnin' Bread", "Old Joe Clark", "Casey Jones", "John Henry", "Bully of the Town", "Bile Them Cabbage Down", "Cotton-Eyed Joe", "Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss", "Soldier’s Joy", "Bonaparte's Retreat", "Leather Breeches", "Four Cent Cotton" and their biggest seller, "Down Yonder".

James Noble Tyner

During his tenor as Assistant Attorney General, Tyner was investigated in mid-1903 for corruption in the Post Office by special prosecutor Charles J. Bonaparte and Fourth Assistant Postmaster General Joseph L. Bristow.

see also