The story of the Dragoon commander is based on the real-life case of Thomas Brereton, a Lieutenant-Colonel in the Dragoons stationed in Bristol in the 1830s when riots broke out following the failure in the House of Lords of the Reform Bill.
The 1978 children's paranormal TV drama "The Clifton House Mystery" was a ghost story based on the circumstances of Brereton's death.
United States House of Representatives | White House | House of Lords | House of Representatives | House | House of Commons of the United Kingdom | Royal Opera House | Massachusetts House of Representatives | Florida House of Representatives | Speaker of the United States House of Representatives | Sydney Opera House | Australian House of Representatives | Random House | House (TV series) | House of Habsburg | Minnesota House of Representatives | House of Hohenzollern | House of Bourbon | Pennsylvania House of Representatives | Clifton | Little House on the Prairie | House of Wettin | House of Stuart | Louisiana House of Representatives | Oregon House of Representatives | Mystery Science Theater 3000 | house music | mystery | House of Ascania | manor house |