
unusual facts about The Conversation

Peter Szendy

Sur écoute proposes an archeology of overhearing, following many paths, from the Bible to spy movies like Hitchcock's Torn Curtain or Coppola's The Conversation.

Dean Tavoularis

The Godfather Part II and The Conversation, in 1974, consolidated their collaboration, and laid the way for what was to be their joint creative challenge: Apocalypse Now, the film for which Tavoularis created a nightmare jungle kingdom, inspired by Angkor Wat.

see also

André Walker

Robert Bobbin, a fellow passenger on a commuter train from Waterloo station, recorded the conversation and placed it on the YouTube along with a picture he took of Walker in his seat.

Automatic speech

French psychiatrist Jules Séglas, on the other hand, referred to the term embolalia, as "the regular addition of prefixes or suffixes to words", and mentioned that the behavior is sometimes used by normal individuals to demonstrate to their interlocutor that they are paying attention to the conversation.

Bernard A. Newcomb

During the conversation, Porter convinced Newcomb to become partners and create a company that would enable an individual with a personal computer to trade stocks from home—to disintermediate stock buying.

Call-recording software

Call recording is distinct from call logging and tracking, which record details about the call but not the conversation; however, software may include both recording and logging functionality.

Carmen Boullosa

Finally, the third play satirically recounts the conversation between Joseph and Mary before Mary gives birth to Jesus and ascends to heaven.

Cleaning Up

The song playing during the conversation between Bodie and Stringer Bell is "Hip Hop", from the album Black on Both Sides by Mos Def.

David Paterson witness tampering and perjury scandals

March 18 - Paterson told John Gambling of WOR (AM) that he was the person who leaked the information about the February 7 conversation with Booker saying "the individual who first made it clear that there had been a conversation was myself." The New York Times responded by saying the Administration (via Kauffman) only responded after the Times specifically asked about the conversation.

Dead or Alive: Final

Besides Japanese, a lot of the conversation of the film is in Cantonese, and some is in English.

Delfo Zorzi

The conversation was partly re-broadcast during the television program Blu notte, conducted by Carlo Lucarelli in an episode dedicated to the Strage di Piazza Fontana bombing, during which he was again interviewed via telephone.

Dialog tree

Another variation of branching dialogues can be seen in the adventure game Culpa Innata, where the player chooses a tactic at the beginning of a conversation, such as using either a formal, casual or accusatory manner, that affects the tone of the conversation and the information gleaned from the interviewee.

Elstree University Technical College

The conversation work was designed by Ellis Williams Architects and was undertaken by Willmott Dixon Interiors.

Esa Maldita Costilla

Juan (Luis Brandoni), the taxi driver who brings them to the club, pays attention to the conversation of the women who from one to one counts each other their ideal of a man.

Herbert Schilder

His level of popularity in the field led to the use of his name in the movie Finding Nemo, in which the "Schilder technique" was mentioned in the conversation between the fish.

Macrina the Younger

Gregory of Nyssa composed a "Dialogue on the Soul and Resurrection" (peri psyches kai anastaseos), entitled ta Makrinia (P.G. XLVI, 12 sq.), to commemorate Macrina, in which Gregory purports to describe the conversation he had with Macrina on her deathbed, in a literary form modelled on Plato's Phaedo.


When the man, presumably drunk, heard the conversation in English of the future founders of Mosik, he shouted in German the phrase that eventually will give name to the collective: "Gosh! There is even more strangers in Kreuzberg!".

New England Folk Festival

As Ralph Page later recalled the conversation, they were discussing a recent attempt at a "New England Folk Festival" at the Boston Garden which had left them unimpressed: "Mary said: 'Why don't we have a real folk festival?' and so the idea was born".

Pray the Gay Away?

Following the broadcast, Gayle King hosted Ling for a one-hour live program called "Pray the Gay Away? The Conversation Continues" featuring follow-up interviews with some of the participants and telephone calls from the public.

Rhetorical situation

Lloyd Bitzer began the conversation in his 1968 piece titled “The Rhetorical Situation.”

Samuel Rogers

Rogers himself kept a notebook in which he entered impressions of the conversation of many of his distinguished friends—Fox, Edmund Burke, Henry Grattan, Richard Porson, John Horne Tooke, Talleyrand, Lord Erskine, Scott, Lord Grenville and the Duke of Wellington.

Shantata! Court Chalu Aahe

It was inspired after the playwright overheard the conversation amongst the members of amateur theatre group traveling on Mumbai local train to perform a mock-trial at Vile Parle suburb.


The prototype was called the "Green Hornet" after the popular radio show The Green Hornet, because it sounded like a buzzing hornet — resembling the show's theme tune — to anyone trying to eavesdrop on the conversation.

Taft–Katsura Agreement

In 1924, historian Tyler Dennett described the memorandum of the conversation as containing "the text of perhaps the most remarkable 'executive agreement' in the history of the foreign relations of the United States".

Tea tape scandal

John Key and the National Party said that it appeared that the Herald had deliberately recorded the conversation, and described it as "News of the World-style tactics", however journalists argued that that the recording was in the public interest and should therefore be released.

The B-Sides The Conversation

The B-Sides/The Conversation is an EP by the band The Afghan Whigs containing 4 cover versions and a two-part interview with Greg Dulli.

The Conversation with the Man Called Al-Mu'tasim

The Conversation with the Man Called Al-Mu'tasim: A Game of Shifting Mirrors is a non-existent novel supposedly by an Indian writer named Mir Bahadur Ali, referenced in the story The Approach to Al-Mu'tasim by Jorge Luis Borges (title in Spanish: El acercamiento a Almotásim).

Zhi Lai Zhi Wang

Through the conversation between the employers and the job-seekers, the reality show presents on the screen the heated discussion of job-hunting and the collisional sparkle of opinions from different perspectives.