In The Dalek Invasion of Earth, an episode of the BBC's Doctor Who, the TARDIS materialises under the Kew Railway Bridge, where it is subsequently trapped when the bridge collapses.
The disused John's Hole Quarry at Stone was used as a filming location for the mine scenes in the Doctor Who television story The Dalek Invasion of Earth.
Earth | Earth-616 | Google Earth | 2003 invasion of Iraq | Earth Day | Friends of the Earth | Dalek | From the Earth to the Moon | Cursed Earth | Earth, Wind & Fire | Middle-earth | Turkish invasion of Cyprus | Invasion of Poland (1939) | Invasion | Invasion of Poland | From the Earth to the Moon (miniseries) | Manfred Mann's Earth Band | The Day the Earth Stood Still | Invasion (TV series) | Invasion of Normandy | Earth: Final Conflict | Iced Earth | Down to Earth | Allied invasion of Sicily | Rohan (Middle-earth) | Secret Invasion | Israeli invasion of Lebanon | United States invasion of Panama | Soviet invasion of Poland | Journey to the Center of the Earth |
Susan reappears in the Eighth Doctor Adventures novel Legacy of the Daleks by John Peel, which takes place after the events of The Dalek Invasion of Earth.