
5 unusual facts about The Departed

2007 World Music Awards

This year's World Music Awards was sponsored by English fashion brand Belstaff, one of the best known companies in its field with many products appearing in Hollywood blockbuster movies including Mission Impossible III, Ocean's Twelve and The Departed.

Culture of New England

While at one point Boston accents were most strongly associated with the so-called "Eastern Establishment" and Boston's upper class, today the accent is predominantly associated with blue-collar natives as exemplified by movies like Good Will Hunting and The Departed.

Gentle Giant Moving Company

In the movie The Departed, Detective Sergeant Sullivan's girlfriend Madolyn used Gentle Giant boxes when she was packing her old apartment to move into Sullivan's apartment.


Editors using Lightworks have produced numerous internationally renowned and Oscar and Emmy Award award-winning feature films and television programs, including The King's Speech, Martin Scorsese's Hugo and The Departed, Mission Impossible, Pulp Fiction, Braveheart and Batman.


This has often been glamorized on television programs such as The Sopranos and Brotherhood, as well as movies including Goodfellas, The Departed, and Donnie Brasco.


The Departed |

Stephen Flemmi

Flemmi is the basis of Frank Costello's chief enforcer and contract killer "Arnold French" portrayed by Ray Winstone in the 2006 crime thriller The Departed.

see also

Borislav Mikhailov

In 1995 he joined the then-English First Division team Reading for a then club record £800,000, replacing the departed club favourite Shaka Hislop.

Calea Victoriei

It was also long home to the Constantin Tănase Revue Theatre (as of 2006, relocated to the Lipscani district), and was the site of the old Romanian National Theater just north of Palatul Telefoanelor; the departed theatre's façade is replicated by the front of the Bucharest Novotel that opened in summer 2006.

Church of St. Nicholas Within

In 1469 Edward IV gave the Earl of Worcester permission to found a chantry in honour of God and the Blessed Virgin Mary and to have masses said for the benefit of the founders and all the departed.

Gary Brazil

In May 2012, he was appointed as a youth team coach at Nottingham Forest, replacing the departed Eoin Jess; he was to work alongside Steve Chettle.

Heavenly Daze

In the 1940s the supernatural was a popular fantasy film genre of the departed coming back to assist the living such as Here Comes Mr Jordan, A Matter of Life and Death, Wonder Man, and Columbia's Mr. Jordan sequel Down to Earth.

Kamuy Fuchi

Transmigration is a tenet of Ainu mythology, so it was doubly important for the hearth to be kept pure, because the souls of the departed who lived there would be assigned to new bodies in time.

Kanteerava Studios

The state government declared a state-wide holiday on 13 April as a mark of respect to the departed soul, who was also a recipient of Karnataka Ratna (pearl of Karnataka) award.

Lewis Stuyvesant Chanler

After the scriptural reading, Mirza Ahmad Sohrab read from "the service for the departed" of the Bahá'í religion.

Rachel Bolan

Recently, he played the bass guitar for Stone Sour on the band's new records House of Gold & Bones - Part 1 and House of Gold & Bones – Part 2 as a replacement for the departed bassist Shawn Economaki.


Because of the importance of the last few days of Holy Week, and because of the joy of the Resurrection, the Typikon (Ustav) forbids, as in other festal periods, special prayers for the departed, e.g. a Panikhida, aside from funerals from Great and Holy Thursday through Thomas Sunday (a period of eleven days).

Robert Wahlberg

Wahlberg has appeared in such films as Southie, Orphan, Scenes of the Crime, Moonlight Mile, Mystic River, The Departed, Gone Baby Gone, and Don McKay.

Sicomac, New Jersey

Sicomac, said to mean "resting place for the departed" or "happy hunting ground", is an area of Wyckoff that, according to tradition, was the burial place of many Native Americans, including Chief Oratam of the Ackingshacys, and many stores and buildings there are named after the area's name, including Sicomac Elementary School.

Tony Bailie

A short story, The Druid’s Dance was featured in the crime fiction anthology Requiems for the Departed, published by Morrigan Books in June 2010, which also featured fellow Irish writers Ken Bruen, Stuart Neville, Arlene Hunt, Brian McGilloway, and Sam Millar.

Vat Purnima

It honours Savitri, the legendary wife who rescued her husband's soul from the ruler of the departed, Yama.

Việt Điện U Linh Tập

Việt Điện U Linh Tập (chữ Hán:粵甸幽靈集 or 越甸幽靈集) Collection of Stories on Spirits of the Departed in the Viet Realm) is a history of Vietnam written in Chinese (chữ nho) compiled by Lý Tế Xuyên ( 李濟川, fl.1400).

Vietnamese literature

Việt Điện U Linh Tập (越甸幽靈集) Spirits of the Departed in the Viet Realm, Lý Tế Xuyên 1400