
unusual facts about The Explorers Club

Carol Beckwith

2010: Lowell Thomas Award from The Explorers Club honoring men and women who have distinguished themselves in the field of exploration

Lake Parime

Foreign explorers who have come to the plains of Roraima to explore the area with Stevenson have included the Paititi investigator Gregory Deyermenjian, who in 1997 documented Stevenson's finds, and the likely correctness of Stevenson's conclusions concerning the pre-history of the region, in expedition reports filed at the Explorers Club headquarters in New York City.


In August 1996 Boston-based explorer Gregory Deyermenjian of The Explorers Club, along with exploration partner, Peru's Paulino Mamani, and Peru's Dante Núñez del Prado, Fernando Neuenschwander, Ignacio Mamani, and Machiguenga "Roberto" and his wife "Grenci" and baby daughter "Reina", was first to make an on-site exploration.

see also

Carol Beckwith

Together they have received numerous accolades, including the United Nations Award for Excellence, the Royal Geographical Society’s Cherry Kearton Medal, two Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards, The Explorers Club's Lowell Thomas Award, and the WINGS WorldQuest Lifetime Achievement Award.