
unusual facts about The Freedom Forum

Bette Bao Lord

In addition to chairing Freedom House, Ms. Lord has served on many other boards including the Newseum, The Freedom Forum, the International Broadcasting Board of Governors, the Council on Foreign Relations and WNET.

John Alden Scott

After four years Scott was named President of the Gannett Foundation (now known as The Freedom Forum), which at the time was ranked one of the largest foundations in the country.

Robert Giles

He worked at the The Freedom Forum prior to taking the curatorship at Nieman in 2000.

Young D.C.

Stalwart supporters (The Freedom Forum, the Bureau of National Affairs, National Press Club and the Children’s Charities Foundation) helped YDC through this first bout with hard times.

In 1994, The Freedom Forum produced Death by Cheeseburger: High School Journalism in the 1990s and Beyond.

see also

York Community High School

Ken Paulson is the president and chief operating officer of the Freedom Forum, Newseum and Diversity Institute; he is the former editor and senior vice president/news of USA Today and USATODAY.com.