
5 unusual facts about The Frying Game

The Frying Game

As part of his sentence, Homer delivers Meals on Wheels to an old woman called Mrs. Bellamy, who subtly guilts him, and later Marge, into becoming her personal servant.

When Mrs. Bellamy turns up dead, having been stabbed with a pair of scissors, Homer and Marge are the prime suspects in the murder, even though they witnessed a man with braces leaving the murder scene, with Mrs. Bellamy's necklace.

It has since been described as a satire on the Endangered Species Act, a United States environmental law passed during the 1970s.

One day, the two find Mrs. Bellamy dead in her house, having been stabbed by a man with braces who quickly escapes the murder scene.

Homer begins delivering Meals on Wheels to an elderly woman, Mrs. Bellamy, who takes a shine to him.

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