
unusual facts about The Gaza Strip

Khaled Juma

He is also a contributor to Palestinian Folk Songs and Fishermen’s Songs in the Gaza Strip, (contributor), state Information service, 1998 and Rafah Alphabet, Distance and Memory, special issue with Othman Hussein, 1992.

Vauro Senesi

In June 2011 Vauro Senesi announced his intention to sail with the Free Gaza Flotilla setting out to defy the Israeli blockade of The Gaza Strip.

see also

2008 breach of the Gaza–Egypt border

Ahmed Yousef, a senior adviser to Gaza's Prime Minister Ismail Haniya, warned that "The next time there is a crisis in the Gaza Strip, Israel will have to face half a million Palestinians who will march toward Erez," a border crossing with Israel, and on to towns left during the 1948 Palestinian exodus.

Ahmed Qurei

On July 17, 2004, he submitted his resignation amid growing chaos in the Gaza Strip characterized by the kidnapping of Palestinian security officials, including the Chief of Police for the Gaza Strip and five Frenchmen.

Al-Kabir mosque

Great Mosque of Gaza, the largest and oldest mosque in the Gaza Strip, located in Gaza's old city

Cairo agreement

Cairo Agreement (1994) - Agreement on the Gaza Strip and the Jericho Area, 4 May 1994

Chicago Hearing

The organization, along with the International Committee of the Red Cross and the League of Red Cross Societies, was asked by the United Nations to organize relief work for Palestinian refugees in the Gaza Strip.


Since the beginning of the Second Intifada, Dahaniya residents were banned from entering the Gaza Strip and carried weapons in the village from fear for their lives.

Flexible barge

Spragg has proposed to deliver water from the Manavgat River in Turkey across the Mediterranean Sea to Israel and the Gaza Strip, which has an extreme shortage of water, which presently is being reviewed by the World Bank.

Froman-Amayreh Agreement

In February 2008, Rabbi Menachem Froman, chief rabbi of Tekoa in the West Bank, and Khaled Amayreh, a journalist close to Hamas, reached an agreement for an Israeli-Hamas ceasefire in the Gaza Strip that would put an immediate end to all Palestinian attacks against Israeli civilians or soldiers, facilitate the release of abducted Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, and end the Israeli siege of the Gaza Strip.

Gaza–Jericho Agreement

Pursuant to the Agreement, Israel promised to withdraw partly from Jericho in the West Bank and partly from the Gaza Strip, within three weeks from the date of the signing.

Gerry MacLochlainn

On 26 May 2009, he crossed Rafah into the Gaza Strip with the Hope For Gaza convoy of medical aid.

Goal Dreams

Ramzi Saleh the national team's goalkeeper who comes from the Gaza strip and wants to play for a club outside Palestine.

Governance of the Gaza Strip

Although the US does not officially recognize the Hamas government, it holds it "fully and entirely responsible for the Gaza Strip," United States Assistant Secretary of State Sean McCormack said.

On June 16, 2007, Ismail Haniya declared Said Fanuna (officially a Fatah general who, in reality, distanced himself from Mahmoud Abbas) as the new security chief in the Gaza Strip, stating him as a "higher police command" than the West Bank-based police chief Kamal el-Sheikh of the Fatah.

Jewish settlement

Israeli settlement, Jewish communities currently established in the West Bank and in the Golan Heights, between 1967 and 2006 in the Gaza Strip and between 1967 and between 1967 and 1982 in the Sinai Peninsula


Gush Katif, the largest former Israeli settlement bloc in the Gaza Strip

Khaled K. El-Hamedi

In the Gaza Strip - Palestine, in January 2010, the Prime Minister of the Palestinian National Authority Ismail Haniyeh granted the Medal of courage to the President of the Organization for breaking the siege of the Gaza Strip at (The Conscience of the World) tent that witnessed the signing of the fraternity program between Palestinian and Libyan families.

Murder of the Aroyo children

The no-intervention policy which was carried out by the Israeli military in the Gaza Strip since Israel took over the Gaza Strip in the Six Day War (in part as a result of the IDF efforts to focus on the War of Attrition in the Suez Canal region), changed as a result of this incident.

Neve Dekalim

Hamas turned the site into a barbed-wire enclosed training camp from which Qassam rockets were launched into Israel.It was the largest Jewish settlement in the Gaza Strip.

Palestinian Civil War

The 2006–2011 Fatah–Hamas conflict where Fatah and Hamas militia fought for the control of the Gaza Strip.

Stéphane Trano

In 1996, Trano became the first Jewish journalist to work under dual Middle East leadership - Palestinian National Authority and Israeli supervision - after being appointed as Chief Editor of the short-lived Palestinian Economic Newsletter. This monthly publication aimed to promote economic development in the Gaza Strip and West Bank in accordance with the Oslo Accords of 1993.


Sufa, Israel, a kibbutz in Israel and a border crossing between Israel and the Gaza Strip