The Great Warming is a 2006 documentary film directed by Michael Taylor. The film was hosted by Alanis Morissette and Keanu Reeves and even before its November 3, 2006 première helped establish an alliance between Democrats and Evangelicals trying to shake the administration out of its inertia on Climate change mitigation.
It is also the anchor for a broad, pro-active coalition ranging from Friends of the Earth to Union of Concerned Scientists to Churches of Christ.
Theatre giant Regal Cinemas released the film in its top 50 markets on the weekend of November 4 to November 5, 2006, which makes the launch three times larger than for any other film of its kind, and highlights the growing currency of the global warming issues in the mainstream.A special program was developed for faith communities, and the film was distributed to over 500 churches, synagogues and mosques across the US.
Great Britain | Great Depression | Alexander the Great | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland | Kingdom of Great Britain | Great Western Railway | Great Yarmouth | Peter the Great | Great Lakes | Frederick the Great | The Great Gatsby | Great Fire of London | global warming | George II of Great Britain | Catherine the Great | Great Central Railway | Great Plains | Great Barrier Reef | Parliament of Great Britain | Alfred the Great | Great Falls, Montana | Great Eastern Railway | Great Expectations | Anne, Queen of Great Britain | Great Wall of China | Great Britain national rugby league team | Order of St. Gregory the Great | Great Purge | Great Basin | Constantine the Great |