
2 unusual facts about The Independent Review

The Independent Review

In 2013, Higgs switched to the role of Editor at Large and Christopher Coyne, Michael Munger, and Robert Whaples took over the job, with Whaples as the Managing Editor.

TIR has been praised by many economists, political scientists, and public policy wonks including Gary Becker, Julian Simon, David Frum, and William Niskanen.

see also

Ivan Eland

Eland is the Assistant Editor of the Independent Review, writes a regular column for the website Antiwar.com, and contributes frequently at Consortium News Robert Parry's website of investigative journalism.

National Ignition Facility

John Gordon, National Nuclear Security Administrator, stated "We have prepared a detailed bottom-up cost and schedule to complete the NIF project... The independent review supports our position that the NIF management team has made significant progress and resolved earlier problems".