
2 unusual facts about The Kiss of the Vampire

Dolly Martin

Read's first onscreen appearance was in the 1963 film The Kiss of the Vampire, followed by a role in the British TV series Dixon of Dock Green later that year.

The Kiss of the Vampire

Gerald (Edward de Souza) and Marianne Harcourt (Jennifer Daniel), are a honeymooning couple in early 20th-century Bavaria who become caught up in a vampire cult led by Dr. Ravna (Noel Willman) and his two children Carl (Barry Warren) and Sabena (Jacquie Wallis).

Isobel Black

She is perhaps best known for her parts in films such as The Kiss of the Vampire (1963), Twins of Evil (1971), both horror films made by Hammer, and 10 Rillington Place (also 1971).

see also