The show follows a group of misfits—the titular Knights—who attempt to rob various celebrities, the first being Mick Jagger (Jagger was also credited as one of the executive producers, along with the creators and David Letterman, whose production company Worldwide Pants Incorporated also backed Ed).
The series went through several name changes: the original title, though never publicly affirmed, was Let's Rob Jeff Goldblum, later changed to Let's Rob Mick Jagger once Goldblum committed to the NBC drama Raines.
Knights Hospitaller | Knights of Columbus | Knights Templar | Teutonic Knights | Knights of Pythias | Knights of Labor | Rutgers Scarlet Knights | Newcastle Knights | List of Grand Masters of the Knights Hospitaller | Letran Knights | York City Knights | Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light | Tolleshunt Knights | Poor Knights Islands | List of Knights and Ladies of the Garter | Twelve Knights of Glamorgan | Knights Templar (Freemasonry) | Knights of Saint Columbanus | House of Knights | Grand Masters of the Teutonic Knights | Teutonic knights | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic | prosperity | List of honorary British knights and dames | Army Black Knights | UCF Knights | The Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog | The Hollywood Knights | Syracuse Silver Knights | Shanghai Knights |