
unusual facts about The Law

No Half Measures Ltd.

Since its inception, the company has worked with a diverse range of artists from nurturing emerging talent such as The Law to dealing with established household favourites Wet Wet Wet.

Guillermo Pineda

Taught 75 classes to 732 college and high school students in Guatemala City on the books Not a Zero Sum Game by Manuel Ayau, Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt, Common * Sense Economics by Charles Murray, Human Action by Ludwig von Mises, The Law by Frederic Bastiat, and dozens more classical fiction books.

see also

A Constitution for a Free Scotland

(2) The Constitution for Scotland states that the monarch would hold title under the law of Scotland, so presumably the Parliament of Scotland could, at some future time, alter the law of succession in such a way that this personal union is dissolved.

ALWD Citation Manual

It primarily competes with the Bluebook style, a system developed by the law reviews at Harvard, Yale, The University of Pennsylvania, and Columbia.

Antonio S. Luchetti

However, on May 2, 1941, the newly appointed Governor Guy J. Swope finally gave his nod and signed the law creating the Autoridad de las Fuentes Fluviales.

Barnes and Thornburg Building

Its current owner and primary occupant is the law firm of Barnes & Thornburg, LLP.

Bas v. Tingy

Justice Samuel Chase took a separate approach to the same conclusion, noting that in a perfect war "...operations are restricted and regulated by the jus belli, forming a part of the law of nations," but in an imperfect war "its extent and operation depend on our municipal laws." With Congress authorizing hostilities, this was an imperfect war against France, making them the enemy and validating the 1799 law.

Broderick Bozimo

His wife is Rosaline Bozimo, who was his partner in the law firm Broderick Bozimo & Co and later become the chief justice of Delta State.

Bruno Étienne

Bruno Étienne was a researcher in Cairo and was a teacher at the ENA-Algiers, at the Law Faculty of Algiers and the universities of Casablanca and Marmara.

Butler Cole Aspinall

The son of the Reverend James Aspinall, he was born in Liverpool, Merseyside, England in 1830, educated for the law, and was called to the Bar in 1853.

Carlos Mario Jiménez

On June 14, 2010, the Center for Justice & Accountability along with the law firm of Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati instituted a civil action in the Southern District of Florida against Macaco alleging torture, extrajudicial killing, war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Charles Fickert

Admitted to the California Bar in 1895 in Los Angeles, he arrived in San Francisco and joined the law offices of Edward Robeson Taylor, who soon replaced Mayor Eugene E. Schmitz when Schmitz was indicted during the graft trials.

David Shrager

After graduating from the law school, he began his legal career at what became the Philadelphia law firm of Farage & Shrager.

Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya

Further, it considers the role of the law-givers like Manu in establishing the supremacy of the idealist traditions, and how due to the censor and censure anti-idealists like Varahamihira and Brahmagupta worked out their philosophies in distinctive Aesopian language, developing their own modes of camouflaging their ideas.

Donation Land Claim Act

The passage of the law was largely due to the efforts of Samuel R. Thurston, the Oregon territorial delegate to Congress.

Ernesto Ramos Antonini

In 1937 he gained fame as a lawyer when he defended the members of the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party who were accused of breaking the law after permits issued by the Mayor of Ponce for a peaceful march in Ponce (see the Ponce Massacre) were withdrawn by the colonial governor of Puerto Rico at the time, General Blanton Winship.

Fred D. Fagg III

Fagg, the son of former President of the University of Southern California Fred D. Fagg, Jr., joined the law school in 1970 and served as dean from 1973 to 1982.

Guillemette Andreu

After studying history, Andreu specialized in Egyptology (hieroglyphs, hieratic, Coptic) and produced a thesis on the law and order in Ancient Egypt at Sorbonne in 1978 under the direction of Professor Jean Leclant.

Hans Ragnemalm

Ragnemalm became Professor of Public Law at Lund University, and later Professor of Public Law and Dean of the Law Faculty at the University of Stockholm.

History of legal education in Serbia

During the 20th century, all the law schools that later emerged in Serbia (Subotica, Novi Sad, Priština, Niš, Kragujevac), Montenegro (Podgorica), and in other parts of the former Yugoslavia (Sarajevo, Skoplje) were formed from the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law as a core.

Indian Evidence Act

The law is mainly based upon the firm work by Sir James Fitzjames Stephen, who could be called the founding father of this comprehensive piece of legislation.

International legal theories

In his De jure Belli ac Pacis Libri Tres ("Three Books on the Law of War and Peace") of 1625, and drawing from the Bible and from the St. Augustine's just war theory, he argued that nations as well as persons ought to be governed by universal principle based on morality and divine justice.

James Aloysius O'Gorman

He attended the public schools, the College of the City of New York, and then graduated from the law department of New York University in 1882.

Jarolím Antal

Currently he works as an external teacher at the Law School of the University of Matej Bel in Banská Bystrica.

José María Obando

The conflict began when Congress passed a law to suppress small convents and monasteries and re-appropriate the land in Pasto, the law was not intended to punish the Church as the places in question were indeed small and sparingly occupied by mostly Ecuadorian clergy, but the deeply Roman Catholic province went up in arms at the involvement of the government in their religious affairs, even after the Bishop of Popayán had approved of the measure.

Julius Jolly

Jolly edited the law books of Vishnu, Narada, and Manu, and translated the first two for the Sacred Books of the East (Vol. 7, The Institutes of Visnu, 1880; and Vol. 33, The Minor Law-Books: Brihaspati, 1889).

Jus gentium

The 2nd-century Roman jurist Ulpian, however, divided law into three branches: natural law, which existed in nature and governed animals as well as humans; the law of nations, which was distinctively human; and civil law, which was the body of laws specific to a people.

Kazuo Aoki

Aoki was born to a farming family in Sarashina District, Nagano prefecture (now part of the city of Nagano), and was trained as a lawyer, graduating from the Law School of Tokyo Imperial University in 1916.


Landesa was founded as the Rural Development Institute in 1967 by Professor Roy Prosterman, a Harvard Law School graduate who left his Wall Street career at Sullivan & Cromwell to teach at the University of Washington School of Law where he established the Law in Sustainable Development Program.

Law Against Racism 2010

The first draft of the law was proposed by the Human Rights Committee of the Bolivian Chamber of Deputies on 24 May 2010, the anniversary of an incident of racist violence in Sucre in 2008.

Law Society of Manitoba

To practice law in the Province of Manitoba, a person must be a member of the Law Society of Manitoba.

Leonard Law

Republican State Senator Bill Leonard wrote the law to require private high schools, colleges and universities to protect their students' rights to freedom of speech "and other communication" that the government is required to protect for all of its citizens.

Lex Cornelia de maiestate

The Law was designed to prevent both corruption and rebellion of governors, but was thwarted just 4 years later in 77 BC during the revolt of Lepidus, a rogue proconsul who left his province of Cisalpine Gaul with his army and marched towards Rome.

Marie Dominique Bouix

Monsignor Fornari, the papal nuncio at Paris, desiring to further the restoration of provincial councils, held a conference with Bouix and the Bollandist Van Hecke, at which it was decided that the best means of influencing public opinion aright would be the preparation of a book explaining the law of the Church on provincial councils.

Michael McClure

He has made two television documentaries – The Maze and September Blackberries – and is featured in several films including The Last Waltz (dir. Martin Scorsese) where he reads from The Canterbury Tales; Beyond the Law (dir. Norman Mailer); and, most prominently, The Hired Hand (dir. Peter Fonda).

Michael Tigar

He has been visiting professor at the law faculty of the Paul Cézanne University, Aix-en-Provence, and has lectured at law schools in several countries.

Morgan Kane: The Legend Begins

Louis Masterson have on several occasions said that his main inspiration for the Morgan Kane character came from Ian Fleming’s James Bond, with Morgan Kane moving through his own time as a rouge gunslinger backed by the law, as a Texas Ranger, a U.S. Marshal and later a Pinkerton and bodyguard to Theodore Roosevelt.

National Collegiate women's ice hockey championship

In 1978, American universities became subject to the law often known as Title IX, approved by the United States Congress in 1972.

Nek'af uzhas, nek'af at

In the first track, Vhod (Entrance), there is a motif from the Judas Priest's anthem "Breaking the Law", expressively added in honour of the British band's frontman Rob Halford.

New York University Law Review

The Law Review ranks fourth in Washington & Lee Law School's overall law review rankings, following Harvard, Yale, and Columbia.

Newport International University

The Wyoming Supreme Court upheld the law in a June 2008 ruling, and in April 2009 NIU relinquished its Wyoming registration and announced plans to merge with Newport University in California.

Nine Chapter Law

The authorship of the law is most commonly attributed to Xiao He.

Ogden Hoffman

Then he returned to New York City and became the law partner of Hugh Maxwell, at the time D.A. of New York.

Richard Maponya

With the capital acquired he attempted to open a clothing retailer in Soweto, but was blocked by the government's refusal to grant him a licence – despite the intervention by the law firm created by Oliver Tambo and Nelson Mandela.

Serbian Telecommunication Agency

Serbian Telecommunication Agency (RATEL) was founded at the end of May 2005, as one of the conditions for the implementation of Serbian telecommunication regulations prescribed by the law.

Soviet anti-religious legislation

According to Christel Lane and the United States Department of State Bulletin of 1986, this meant that those under 18 years of age could not be part of a religion and therefore the law required that they be excluded from religious activities.

Space Task Group

President John F. Kennedy persuaded Congress to modify the law to give him the authority to appoint the Vice President to chair the council in his place.

The Rip Van Winkle Caper

To escape the law after stealing $1 million worth of gold bricks from a train on its way from Fort Knox to Los Angeles, a band of four gold thieves, led by foreign-accented scientist-mastermind Farwell (Oscar Beregi, Jr.), hide in a secret cave in Death Valley, California.

Tim Greenwood

Currently, he serves as outside counsel for the Ohio Attorney General and is the Law Director of Sylvania Township.

Walker Law

Sammy Nable vs. Bobby Hanson possibly was the very first bout ever conducted under the law.