
unusual facts about The Martian

The Martian

Of a rather loose construction, its main points of interest lie for today's readers in lively descriptions of "la vie de bohême" and different parts of Paris through the second half of the 19th century, pages on Mechelen in Belgium and Whitby in the 1870s, and its superb illustrations.

see also

Armored Core 2

Using these plans, Zio sends a research team to Mars to begin the Terraforming Project, which causes the Martian surface and atmosphere to approximate that of Earth.

Greg Potter

Partway through developing the series, Potter was told by editor Janice Race that the Martian Manhunter character would reappear in the Justice League of America title.

J B Khot High School

They are closely followed by the Martian high school, Mars.

JSA: The Liberty Files

Realizing this, the Martian turns against the Germans and helps the Allies defeat them.

Martian Successor Nadesico: The Motion Picture – Prince of Darkness

The Martian Successors have fused her with the Ruin that controls all Boson Jumps, giving them an unprecedented level of control.

Odyssey 5

Whether this act of destruction is seen as a declaration of war by humanity's AIs or the Martian Synthetics are to blame for the Earth's destruction is never resolved.

Project Boreas

Project Boreas was a study conducted between 2003 and 2006 by the British Interplanetary Society to design a station on the Planum Boreum at the Martian North Pole.

Puente Hills

In the 1953 film adaptation of H. G. Wells' science-fiction novel The War of the Worlds, the Puente Hills were the landing site of the first spacecraft in the Martian invasion.

Shadow of Fear

Although the Mysterons destroy a first probe, a second — Mini-Sat 5 — successfully lands on the Martian moon Phobos to carry out surveillance.

To Mars and Providence

informs him that he was taken into the Martian cylinder, before being rescued by a Brown University librarian named Armitage.