
2 unusual facts about The Medium is the Massage

Bob McFadden

In 1963, McFadden released the Audio Fidelity Records parody album entitled Fast, Fast, Fast Relief From TV Commercials followed by the 1968 Columbia Records spoken-word album, The Medium Is the Massage.

The Medium Is the Massage

An audio recording based on the book was made by Columbia Records in the late 1960s, produced by John Simon but otherwise keeping the same credits as the book.

Quentin Fiore

Of particular interest are his collaborations with media theorist Marshall McLuhan, such as The Medium is the Massage (1967).

see also

Peter Lunenfeld

Lev Manovich, the author of The Language of New Media, lauded these 100 page "mind bombs" in the tradition of McLuhan and FioreĀ¹s The Medium is the Massage as a new operating system for the book.