
3 unusual facts about The Mind's I

The Mind's I

An alternative but minority approach has grown out of the work of people like Gerald Edelman and his student Olaf Sporns through which it is suggested that machine intelligence can most efficiently be achieved by creating autonomous robotic systems that can learn the way human children learn through interacting with their environment.

In his book "Contemporary Philosophy of Mind", Georges Rey provides an example of continuing attempts to express human intelligence in machines through computational processes over formally defined elements.

Victim of the Brain

Victim of the Brain is a 1988 film by Dutch director Piet Hoenderdos, loosely based on The Mind's I, a compilation of texts and stories on the philosophy of mind and self, co-edited by Douglas Hofstadter and Daniel C. Dennett.

Quantum cognition

It was suggested by theoretical physicists David Bohm and Basil Hiley that mind and matter both emerge from an "implicate order".

Ricky Toner

A singer/songwriter since 1990 performing with many bands including Dolphin, Fisher Price, North Starr, The Complete Stone Roses 1998 - 2001, Gluemaster, The Small Mountains, Coup d'etat, The Mind's Eye and most recently The Liberty Takers.

Secret sharing using the Chinese remainder theorem

By Bézout's identity, since (m i,M/m i) = 1, there exist positive integers r i and s i, that can be found using the Extended Euclidean algorithm, such that r i.m i+s i.M/m i = 1.

Strictly standardized mean difference

In a confirmatory or primary screen with replicates, for the i-th test compound with n replicates, we calculate the paired difference between the measured value (usually on the log scale) of the compound and the median value of a negative control in a plate, then obtain the mean \bar{d} i and variance s i^2 of the paired difference across replicates.

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